It was a grey, windy and freezing Sunday in Belgrade. But despite the weather, the people strolling around were in a happy mood. We were with friends, taking pictures and many of the passengers walking by, smiled at us and wanted to get photographed. Spontaneous, open, friendly, easy-going, welcoming and always ready for fun – those are the Serbian people. It is this uncomplicated, laid-back way of establishing contact with people that we miss the most in Vienna. The people not turning their head away when your eyes meet, but looking for contact with the others and returning smiles. The talking to strangers as if you have known each other for ages. It is when you visit Belgrade and see that the infrastructure needs improvements, but at the same time realize that it is the people who make the place. The people that will make you forget that you are a stranger, and feel like home.
This is why an ordinary photo-stroll around Belgrade always feels special and reminds us that there is no place like home.
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday,
Una and Isi

Bila je to jedna siva, vetrovita i ledena nedelja u Beogradu. Ali uprkos vremenu, ljudi oko nas su bili veseli. Šetale smo u društvu i fotografisale, i mnogi nasmejani prolaznici su želeli da nam se pridruže. Spontani, otvoreni, prijateljski nastrojeni i uvek spremni za šalu – takvi su stanovnici Beograda. Upravo je taj jednostavan, spontan i opušten način uspostavljanja kontakta sa ljudima ono što nam najviše nedostaje u Beču. Ljudi koji neće okrenuti glavu ako vam se pogledi sretnu i oni koji će vam uzvratiti osmeh. Ćaskanje sa strancima kao da se znate godinama. Kada posetite Beograd i pogledate oko sebe, videćete da treba mnogo toga da se renovira i uloži u infrastrukturu, ali u isto vreme shvatate da su ljudi ti koji čine mesto. Baš ti ljudi će učiniti da zaboravite da ste stranac i osećaćete se kao da ste jedan od njih.
Ovi spontani trenuci čine ubičajenu foto-šetnju po Beogradu posebnom i nas srećnim što odatle potičemo.
Nadamo se da ste divno proveli nedelju,
Una i Isi

Outfit: Coat (Escada), Boots (Miss Sixty), Jeans (Stradivarius), Turtleneck (Zara), Bag (Manual&Co)
And before saying goodbye, a few shots from the “making of” of this post, presenting you our beautiful friends – sisters Jadranka and Bojana, their cousins and some of the passengers who joined our shooting 🙂
I za sam kraj, jos par slika nastalih prošle ledene nedelje u Beogradu. Upoznajte naše divne drugarice – sestre Jadranku i Bojanu, njihove kumove i neke od spontanih prolaznika koji su se pridružili našem shootingu. 🙂

Amazing pictures!
Love the coat and the hat!
Thanx a lot! 🙂
Such a cute outfit!! Love your coat and boots! 🙂
thanx a lot Nicole 🙂