This is the last outfit post we shot last year, one morning in Belvedere palace. Isn’t it simply breathtaking place? From the top of the palace, you can enjoy the view over Vienna. Belvedere is actually a museum, where you can admire many gorgeous works of art, such as Klimt’s Kiss. This is really the place you must visit if you come to Vienna. It is so gorgeous inside, the palace itself is worth visiting, not to mention the art. The garden is public and it is open every day. It is really nice for a walk, and behind it there is a small botanical garden. So really a place to enjoy in the urbanized nature. Especially if you go to Belvedere in the morning, there won’t be many people around and you will be able to make many gorgeous pictures.
As for the outfit, I think that it is always good to have a bag in some brighter color, since they can make a simple outfit pop. 🙂 This orange bag is often my choice during the cold season, when I often wear darker colors.
Hope you had a nice weekend!
Ovo je poslednji post slikan prošle godine u bašti palate Belvedere 🙂
Bilo koja jednostvna kombinacija može da se upotpuni lepom torbom u jarkoj boji. Zato mislim da je uvek dobro imati jednu takvu torbu u gardarobi. Ova narandžasta torba je često moj izbor tokom jeseni i zime, kada često nosim tamnije boje.
Nadam se da ste lepo proveli vikend!
Isi 🙂

Outfit: Dress (Mango), Boots (Office Shoes), Bag (Michael Kors)
I love so much this outfit
follow me If you want:
Love the pop of orange!
Olivia Abdelmalek
Cleopatra’s Kloset
What an amazing location to shoot!!
xxx Linsey from
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Love it dear!!! 🙂 xx