In this post, we have prepared for you our recommendations on how to see the best of Vienna in 3 hours. Maybe you are changing flights in Vienna and have a few hours to wait for your plane, but instead of sitting at the airport, you prefer going for a quick sightseeing tour. Or Vienna is one of your quick stops before heading somewhere else. Whatever the case may be, here are a couple of our top Viennese sights, that you could visit in just 3 hours, and make the most of your super short visit to this magnificent city. We have already “tested” this instant tour with our dearest cousin Gala, who is our guest in today’s post 🙂
1. Heldenplatz and Palace Hofburg: We have started our tour at Heldenplatz, in front of the majestic palace Hofburg, which used to be the Emperor’s residence. The Hofburg complex is holding the president’s office, several museums, concert rooms, the Spanish riding school and several beautiful gardens.
Continue walking straight from Hofburg through Kohlmarkt street, where you will see a lot of beautiful buildings and luxurious stores with beautiful display windows. Stop by at Demel, 228 year old royal confectionery bakery, to have some delicious cake, or buy an exquisite edible souvenir such as Saher or Demel cake, or candid violets – the favorite sweets of the Empress Sisi.
Ćao svima! 🙂
Danas ćemo vam predstaviti naše predloge za brzinsko razgledanje Beča. Možda presedate u Beču i imate više sati čekanja na aerodromu, koje želite da iskoristite za razgledanje grada, umesto da sedite na aerodromu. Ili u toku vašeg putovanja pravite kratku pauzu u Beču. Šta god da je u pitanju, pokazaćemo vam jednu od opcija kako da najbolje iskoristite kratko vreme koje imate za obilazak grada. Mi smo ovo turu “testirali” sa našom najdražom sestrom od tetke Galom, koja je gost u današnjem postu. 🙂
1. Heldenplatz i Palata Hofburg: Započele smo razgledanje na Heldenplatzu, ispred veličanstvene palate Hofburg, koja je nekada bila kraljeva rezidencija. U ovom velikom dvorskom kompleksu danas se nalazi kancelarija predsednika države, nekoliko muzeja, koncertnih dvorana, Španska škola jahanka i nekoliko prelepih bašti. Nastavite šetnju pravo od Hofburga, kroz ulicu Kohlmarkt, u kojoj se nalazi puno luksuznih butika sa veoma lepim izlozima. U ovoj ulici se nalazi i kraljevska poslastičarnica Demel (u kojoj smo govorile u jednom od prošlih postova), koja ima 228 godina dugu tradiciju. U Demelu možete probati neku lepu tortu, ili na primer kupiti neki jestivi suvenir, kao što je Saher ili Demel torta, ili kandirane ljubičice, koje su bile omiljeni slatkiš Kraljice Sisi i pravi su specijalitet ove poslastičarnice.
2. Stephansplatz and Stephansdom: At the end of Kolhmarkt, turn right and will find yourself on Graben street – one of the oldest and most beautiful streets in Vienna. You will see a lot of wonderful buildings and monuments in this street, as well as numerous boutiques. This street will lead you to the heart of Vienna – St. Stephen’s Cathedral and square. The entrance to the cathedral is free, so definitely check it out! You may also visit the vault inside the cathedral. If the weather is nice and you are sporty, you may even climb 345 steps to the South Tower and enjoy the stunning view of Vienna. In case you are not into climbing and still want to see the city from a different perspective, take the elevator to the North Tower.
2. Stephansplatz i Stephansdom: Na kraju ulice Kohlmarkt, skrenite desno i naćićete se na ulici Graben – jednoj od najstarijih i najlepših ulica u Beču. Arhitektura ove ulice je zaista predivna, a u njoj se nalaze uglavnom restorani i butici. Ovom ulicom ćete se za manje od 5 minuta stići do samog srca grada – trg i Katedralu Sv. Stefana. Ulaz u katedralu je besplatan, tako da je obavezno pogledajte i iznutra. Takođe možete posetiti i trezor katedrale, ili ukoluko je lepo vreme i vi ste u dobroj kondiciji, popmite se na vrh južnog tornja i uzivajte u prelepom pogledu na krovove grada. Ako ne želite da idete pešice, a hoćete da vidite grad iz neke druge perspektive, možete se liftom odvesti na severni toranj.
3. Typical Viennese lunch at Figlmueller: It would be a sin not to try the famous Viennese Schnitzel when visiting Vienna! Restaurant Figlmueller, founded more than 100 years ago, is one of the perfect places to try some of the local specialties. It is located only one minute away from the Cathedral and it is easy to find. This place is mega popular so you might have to wait for a table if you arrive around 1 or 2. It is less crowded after this time, however if you plan to go there during the weekend, we highly recommend you to reserve a table online. Anything you decide to eat here will be delicious! Their most popular dish is the Figlmueller Schnizel, which many people mistake for Viennese Schnitzel. Figlmueller Schnitzel (featured on image down below) is huge, thin, very crispy and delicious, but made of pork. On the other hand, the original Viennese Schnitzel is made of calf meat and fried in butter (also very crispy and tasty, but thicker). If you are with a friend we recommend you to try both of them and compare which one you prefer! Leave the desert for later. 🙂
3. Tipičan Bečki ručak u restoranu Figlmuller: Bila bi stvarno velika greška da pri poseti Beču ne probate čuvenu bečku šniclu! Restoran Figlmueller, osnovan pre više od 100 godina, je jedno od najboljih mesta gde možete probati lokalne specijalitete. Nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini Katedrale Sv.Stefana i vrlo ga je lako naći. Ovo mesto je izuzetno popularno, tako da ćete verovatno morati malo da pričekate na sto ako stignete oko 1 ili 2. Kasnije je manja gužva, ali ako planirate da idete tamo vikendom, rezervišite sto unapred preko interneta. Šta god da naručite u ovom restoranu će sigurno biti izvrsno! Najpopularniji specijalitet im je Figlmuller šnicla, za koju mnogi u stvari misle da je bečka. Medjutim, Figlmuller šnicla (koju vidite na slici ispod) je veoma velika, tanka i hrskava, ali se pravi od svinjskog mesa. Originalna bečka šnicla se pravi od teletine i prži se na puteru (takodje je hrskava i odlična, samo deblja). Ako ste u društvu, predlažemo vam da naručite jednu bečku i jednu Figlmuller šniclu, da biste mogli da ih uporedite i odlučite koja vam se više svidja. Inače nemojte da vas obeshrabri veličina Figlmuller šnicle, bez problema ćete je celu pojesti! Desert ostavite za kasnije 🙂

4. Saher hotel and the Opera House: It is now time to burn all those calories! Go back to the cathedral and continue straight to Kaertnerstrasse. Buy some souvenirs, or do a quick shopping (if you have more time!). Kaertnerstrasse is full of shops and department stores, so you will certainly find something nice 🙂
But don’t let yourself get too distracted by the stores in Kaertnerstrasse, since there is so much more left to see. At the end of the street, on the right side, you will spot the legendary Saher Hotel, where the famous cake was invented. If you are a fan of this cake, stop by and have a piece. However we think that it is way better to buy a small cake as a souvenir (they are elegantly packed in wooden boxes and can survive pretty much any kind of transport) and do a bit more sightseeing before the dessert 🙂 The Opera house is facing Saher hotel. Take a look at it and hop on a tram (if you are in a hurry), or walk to the right, along the Ring Strasse to our next stop.
4. Hotel Saher i Opera: Sada je vreme da sagorite sve one kalorije od ručka! 🙂 Vratite se do katedrale i nastavite pravo u Kaertnerstrasse. Kupite neki suvenir, ili odradite brzi šoping (ako imate više vremena! :)). Kaertnerstrasse je ulica prepuna prodavnica i robnih kuća, tako da ćete sigurno pronaći nešto lepo. Na kraju ulice, sa desne strane nalazi se hotel Saher, u kome je izmišljena poznata Saher torta. Ukoliko ste njen ljubitelj, možete ovde da napravite malu pauzu i pojedete parče torte. Ali mi smatramo da je mnogo bolje da kupite malu tortu kao suvenir (one su lepo spakovane u drvene kutije, i preživeće sigurno bilo koji način transporta) i još malo razgledate pre deserta. Prošetajte se malo oko Opere, koja je preko puta hotela Saher, i uskočite u tramvaj (ako žurite), ili podjite u šetnju desno od Opere kroz ulicu Ringstrasse, do naše sledeće stanice.
5. Parliament House and Volksgarden: We didn’t have a plenty of time, so we used the tram and took off at the stop Burgring. A few steps ahead and you will see the stunning Parliament building, that holds beautifully decorated state apartments and conference rooms. In front of the building is the statue of the Greek goddess of wisdom – Athena. Snap a few pictures and then enter Volksgarden, that contains beautiful fountains and a rose garden.
5. Zgrada Parlamenta i Vrt Volksgarten: Mi smo bile u gužvi, pa smo se odvezle par stanica tramvajem do stanice Burgring. Pođite par koraka napred, i ugledaćete prelepu zgradu parlamenta, u kojoj se nalaze uglavnom kancelarije državnika i sale za konferencije. Ispred zgrade nalazi se statua grčke boginje mudrosti Atene. Napravite par slika, a onda uđite u vrt Volksgarden (preko puta parlamenta) u kome se nalaze divni ružičnjaci, cveće i fontane.

6. Rathaus and Burgtheater: Both of these beautiful buildings are located next to the Parliament and Volksgarden, facing each other. You can read more about Rathaus in one of our previous posts, by clicking here. Burgtheater is one of the most prestigious stages in the German speaking world. It is possible to take a guided tour of the theater, which we are planning to take soon.
6. Gradska skupština Rathaus i Pozorište Burgtheater: Ove zadivljujuće građevine se nalaze odmah pored parlamenta i vrta Volksgarten, jedna preko puta druge. Opširnije o Rathausu možete pročitate u jednom od naših prethodnih postova (ovde). Pozorište Burgtheater je jedna od najprestižnijih scena u nemačkom govornom području. Pozorište se može obići i iznutra, što mi planiramo uskoro, tako da možete računati na poseban post o njemu.
7. Dessert at Landtmann: We have saved the best for last – it’s now finally the time for dessert! Right next to Burtheater, is the well known, typical Viennese-style cafe Landtmann. We have been there numerous times, so believe us when we say that Landtmann is the perfect place to end your little tour and enjoy in some of their delicious cakes.
We are hoping that this small tour will encourage you to come to Vienna again, and stay longer in order to experience much more that this wonderful city has to offer.
We would also like to thank our lovely Gala for the wonderful day we spent together, and for letting us publish pictures of her in today’s post <3
Thank you so much for reading,
Una and Isi
7. Desert u kafeu Landtmann: Najbolje smo sačuvale za kraj, tako da je sada vreme za desert! Tačno pored pozorišta nalazi se čuveni, tradicionalan bečki kafe Landtman. Mi smo ovde stalni gosti, tako da nam verujte na reč da je Landtman idealno mesto da završite kratku posetu gradu i počastite se nekom od njihovih izvrsnih torti i kolača.
Nadamo se da ćete uživati u ovom brzom obilasku grada, i da ćete posle nje poželeti da ponovo posetite Beč i ostanete duže, kako biste videli još mnogo toga što ovaj veličanstveni grad ima da ponudi.
Želeli bi smo da se zahvalimo našoj divnoj Gali za prelep dan koji smo provele zajedno, i što je bila naš prvi gost na blogu! 🙂