Loving fall most of all! Who else agrees that autumn is the most gorgeous season? The colors of the nature are simply mind blowing and throwing leaves around makes just the perfect scene. I will share with you today some of the most perfect places for autumn photo sessions in Vienna. Make notes and hurry up after reading this post to snap those pictures, because this beauty sadly doesn’t last long!

Don’t forget to bring enough people along to throw leaves, because capturing them on pictures is an absolute must! 😀 This is an updated post with more locations! The first version was published back in 2017.

1.Magical autumn tunnel in Schloss Schönbrunn

Starting this list with an absolute winner – the tunnel in Schönbrunn Palace. Words cannot describe this perfection! If you only have time to take pictures at one from all these locations, my advice is to go here. I had a huge pleasure to shoot here with my gorgeous friend Idda van Munster. It was already a while ago, but still loving these pictures. And make sure to check Idda’s IG profile and enjoy her photography, outfits and one of a kind aesthetics. She is a true artist!

And if you want to see more photos from Schoenbrunn from the previous years, take a look at our old post here. Loving those photos so much. <3

2.Garden Palace Liechtenstein

There are two Liechtenstein palaces in Vienna – the Garden Palace in the 9th district, and the City Palace in the 1st district. The pictures you see here were taken in the Garden Palace in front of this gorgeous golden Ginkgo tree. The gardens of the palace are open for public so if you want to go enjoy imperial Vienna vibes with almost no tourists around, this is the place to go. Dreamy autumn beauty, isn’t it?

3.Hermesvilla and Lainzer Tiergarten

Further away from the city center, but totally worth it! Hermesvilla and the surrounding Lainzer Tiergarten is a place where you can spend all day long – walk around, encounter wildlife, take pictures of the beautiful forest, but also dreamy palace, which Franz Joseph built for his empress Sisi. Modeling at the pictures is our beloved Silvia, my dearest amiga and Mexican twin. <3

4.Potzleinsdorfer Schlosspark

You will discover this gorgeous park at the end of the end of the 18th district. Just drive to the end stop of the tram number 41 and there you go! You will find yourself in the gorgeous, dreamy woods where you can have an autumn picnic and enjoy long, scenic autumn walks.

5.Setagaya Japanese Garden

This dreamy location extremely popular in spring, is totally underrated in autumn months. Just take a look at this scene. Don’t you agree that people are wrong? In spring, Setagaya Park has 50 shades of pink, while autumn brings a mosaic of all shades of red, green and yellow. Wonderful, isn’t it? The gorgeous girl posing here is another friend – Vienna based Japanese dancer and artist Manaho Shimokawa. Take a look at this post to see more pictures from that day and read an inspiring interview, as well as Mana’s Vienna tips! Or head to Mana’s website to read more about her.

6.Neuwaldegg and Exelbergstrasse in the 17th district

Last but not the least, take a look at this location. Hard to believe that this is Vienna, isn’t it? Well that might also be true, as this location is almost in Lower Austria. By car it will take you maybe 20 minutes to reach this location from the city center. Anja and I went there with a plan to have a shooting, which was ruined by a rain shower. So we just managed to snap a picture you see here and ran to Manameierei for breakfast and coffee. We loved the vibe of this little cafe, which is a true insider place. Many local Viennese were here with their dogs and friends, the service was really friendly, so we felt cozy while looking through the window to the woods and raindrops. We saw many people walking with their dogs in this beautiful woods, and drove by really gorgeous spots on our way there. You still have time to head here, take a walk and enjoy autumn. Just avoid rainy days. 🙂

7. Kahlenberg, Nussberg and co – splendid Viennese vineyards

Vienna is the wine capital! There are 700 hectares of vineyards within Vienna and around 630 wine producers. Right now, in autumn is the best time of the year to hike through the golden vineyards, enjoy the Vienna view with a glass of wine and some delicious food in a Heuriger (typical Austrian wine taverns). And of course snap mind-blowing pictures with golden vineyards as the backdrop! For more about the vineyards, check our post here.

8. Ultimate autumn shooting at a pumpkin patch!

Nothing says autumn as pumpkins and that shooting is simply epic! Check this post to find out how to get to Vienna’s closest pumpkin patch! However there are more pumpkin farms nearby Vienna – check our IG for the tips.

I guess that is it for this time dear readers, even though there are a lot more perfect places for autumn photo sessions in Vienna. Some of those are endless vineyards of Kahlenberg, Schloss Laxenburg (a dream in any season), the Central Cemetery, autumn Vienna view from the giant Wheel in Prater, Belvedere, the view from hotel Melia, Donauinsel, woods of Prater park, National Park Lobau, Augarten in the 2nd district… Many places indeed because Vienna is such a photogenic city. If you are curious for more rather central and urban autumn locations, I can also recommend you to check Irina’s post on this topic. Many of us bloggers write on similar seasonal topics, and I like sharing them here too, because I would like the readers of our blog Vienna Insider to get inspired with as many places as possible! With that being said, you are free to leave similar links in the comments below.

Thank you for reading!



Written by Vienna Insider

Vienna Insider - Lifestyle - Travel blog based in Vienna, Austria. Written by sisters Una and Isidora



Wow ! Wonderful !

“Auf einmal schien der neue Tag enthüllet:
Ein Mädchen kam, ein Himmel anzuschauen,
So musterhaft wie jene lieben Frauen
Der Dichterwelt. Mein Sehnen war gestillet…”


Wow, you are too kind. You share the most beautiful places in Vienna. Your photos look phantastic. Almost makes me want to skip summer and dive into autumn.

Today the trees in Schönbrunn were beautiful with their dewly green leaves, all shades of green.

warm regards,

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