As we have already mentioned in the previous post, in winter time Vienna turns to Christmas city, with markets and Christmas villages scattered all over. If we managed to count well, there are currently 12 Christmas markets in Vienna. Some of them are temporary, while the smaller ones are open only on certain days, usually weekend.
The first market we will talk about is actually called Christmas village at Maria-Theresien-Platz, between two stunning museums – the Art History and the Museum of Natural Sciences. There are around 72 diverse stands on Maria-Theresien-Platz selling all kinds of goodies – souvenirs, things like candles, toys, soaps, sweets, teddy bears, Christmas ornaments, and of course many food and drink stands. If you are looking for souvenirs, this is a good place to visit, since the offer is very big. As for food and drinks, there are many stands with punch and mulled wine, pastries, fresh made doughnuts, soup and goulash served in bread, desserts, chocolate…
We have tried four types of punch at two different stands – the coconut punch at a stand at the very entrance to the market (which was simply repulsive! and we only took one sip), and on another stand (we think it was called Mozart or something similar), we had apple punch, orange punch and Mozart punch. Apple and orange were relatively ok but not sweet enough, while Mozart was delicious. As for food we had Kaiserschmarrn (a sort of a very thick pancake, served with plum jam – a typical Austrian dessert) and they were delicious.
If you continue walking straight along the market, you will enter Museums Quartier. The ambience is really nice, it is full of young people and not crowded as at the Maria-Theresien-Platz. There are no souvenir stands, only the ones with drinks and food.
Vienna Insider’s Conclusion: The Christmas market at Maria-Theresien-Platz is nicely decorated and very big, but we found it too commercial. It is a tourist place, so if you are looking for a more of a unique flair and spirit, this is not a good place for you. We were generally disappointed with drinks, since only one sort of punch we tried tasted good (the Mozart punch). Anyway since the surroundings are really nice, it is definitely worth a visit to take a walk and make a few nice shots.
Thanx a lot for stopping by!
Una and Isi
Kao što je bilo pomenuto u prethodnom postu, danas počinjemo sa prazničnim postovima na blogu 🙂 Ako smo uspele dobro da izbrojimo u Beču su postavljene 12 Božićnih pijaca. Mi ćemo pokušati sve da ih obiđemo i objavimo naša iskustva – mišljenja o hrani, ponudi i generalno ambijentu, kako biste u eventualnoj poseti gradu znali šta da obiđete i gde bi vam se najviše svidelo.
Prva pijaca o koju vam predstavljamo se nalazi na trgu Marije Terezije, u prvom Bečkom becirku, izmedju dva izvanredna muzeja – Istorije umetnosti i Prirodnjačkog muzeja. Ova pijaca (ili možda reč vašar bolje odgovara duhu našeg jezika?) je prilično velika, ima 72 štanda na kojima se prodaje sve i svašta od suvenira, preko igračaka, sveća, sapuna, preko indijanskih hvatača snova, ukrasa, čokolade, i naravno hrane i pića. Ako ste u potrazi za suvenirima ovde ćete moći svašta da pronađete (ali imajte u vidu preterane cene s obzirom da je smisao ovakvih vašara komercijala pre nego Božić). Štandovi sa hranom i pićem nude kuvano vino, razne vrste punča, zatim krofne, mekike, kobasice, supe i gulaš čorbe servirane u hlebu, sendviče…
Mi smo probale četiri vrste punča na ovom vašaru i to sa dva različita štanda – kokos punč (koji je bio potpuno grozan, nemojte nikako da ga naručujete), zatim punč od jabuke, od pomorandže (ta dva su bila solidna ali ne dovoljno slatka) i Mocart punč koji je bio odličan. Od hrane smo jele samo Kaiserschmarrn (tipičan austrijski desert, poput debele palačinke, isečene na manje komadiće i služi se sa džemom od šljiva), koji je bio odličan.
Ukoliko produžite vašu šetnju pravo duž vašar ka Museums Quartier (muzejskoj četvrti), naćićete se na jednom manjem vašaru gde se okupljaju mladi ljudi. Tu nema suvenira već samo standovi sa pićem ali je atmosfera prijatnija, jer nema gužve kao na trgu.
Vienna Insider Zaključak: Božićni vašar na trgu Marije Terezije se nalazi u veoma lepom okruženju i izbor je veliki, ali je suviše komercijalan. Ovo je baš turističko mesto, tako da ukoliko želite da kupite nešto unikatnije, ne bismo vam preporučile ovo mesto. Generalno smo nezadovoljne pićima koje smo probale, pošto je samo jedan od 4 punča bio dobar. U svakom slučaju ovaj vašar je vredan posete, zbog lepog ambijenta i da napravite par lepih slika, ali po pitanju hrane i pića ne očekujte mnogo.
Želimo vam prijatno veče i hvala na poseti!
Una i Isi

Bec izgleda predivno!!! Ja sam bila pre par godina pocetkom novembru i vec tada su svuda imali ukrase a sada zaista sija!! 🙂 xx
[…] Silvester Village am Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna [we have a blog post about it here] […]
[…] This Christmas market is surrounded by two beautiful twin museum buildings and it is quite big. Similar to the one at Rathaus in terms of offer when it comes to gifts and souvenirs, but not in terms of food. It is just a few minutes walking distance from another market at Museums Quartier, which is very popular among young people. You can read more about this market in a separate post here. […]