Hi everyone! 😉
We are back today with the sweetest post so far, presenting you Demel – the Imperial and Royal Court Confectionery Bakery.
Demel is a place where you can enjoy the most magnificent cakes and pastries, made according to the same recipes as 228 years ago, when its story begun. Tradition is cherished not only when it comes to recipes, but also to service. Ever since it was founded, only ladies, dressed in black uniform with a white apron, have been working as waitresses in Demel. Unlike in many other traditional cafes in Vienna, where waiters are usually grumpy (and proud of it!), the ladies at Demel (known as Demelerinnen) will always smile and address you in a very polite way. If you are in doubt what to order, just ask them for a recommendation and you won’t regret. This is how we discovered the most amazing chocolate cake ever!
Besides the rococo style cafe, Demel is also a chocolate shop, where you can buy delicious handmade sweets, elegantly packed in beautiful boxes. Besides classics like cat tongues, diverse tea biscuits or cakes, you can also find some exquisite confectionery such as candied violets – the favorite sweets of Empress Sisi.
We still haven’t tried the violets, but we have our favorites – the rose petal macaroon and Dortorte (not sure if we spelled it well, but just ask for a chocolate mousse cake).
Share with us your impressions and favorites, if you visit, or already have visited Demel!
Address: Kohlmarkt 14 (Close to Hofburg Palace; click here to see Demel on Google map)

Zdravo svima!
Danas imamo još jedan sladak post za vas! Predstavićemo vam Demel – kraljevsku pekaru i poslastičarnicu, koja je snabdevala austrougarsku aristokratiju i monarhe slatkišima.
U Demelu možete probati fantastične torte i kolače, koji se prave po istom receptu kao i pre 228 godina, kada je ova poslastičarnica osnovana. Tradicija se neguje, ne samo kada se radi o receptima, već i čuvenoj usluzi. Od vajkada ovde služe isključivo pripadnice lepšeg pola, obučene u crnu uniformu sa belim keceljama. Za razliku od većine kafea u Beču, gde su konobari uglavnom veoma arogantni (čime se iz samo njima poznatog razloga ponose), konobarice u Demelu su uvek nasmejane i obratiće vam se na izuzetno kulturan način. Ukoliko niste sigurni šta da poručite, slobodno ih pitajte za preporuku i nećete se pokajati. Tako smo mi otkrile najlepšu čokoladnu tortu, koju smo ikada probale!
Pored kafe-poslastičarnice u rokoko stilu, Demel je i prodavnica, gde možete kupiti izvrsne ručno pravljene slatkiše i čokolade, elegantno upakovane u dekorativne kutije. Pored klasičnih opcija, kao sto su različiti keksići, torte ili čokoladice, ovde ćete naći i neobične slatkiše, poput kandiranih ljubičica – omiljeni slatkiš Kraljice Sisi.
Mi još uvek nismo probale ljubičice, ali imamo naše favorite – makaron od latica ruže i Dortortu (nismo nažalost sigurne kako se tačno piše njeno ime, ali samo tražite čokoladnu mus tortu).
Podelite sa nama vaš utisak ili preporuke za torte, ako posetite ili ste već bili u Demelu!
Adresa: Kohlmarkt 14 (Demel se nalazi nedaleko od palate Hofburg; kliknite ovde za prikaz na Google mapi)
Kontakt: Sajt, Facebook
Our favorite chocolate mousse cake – with very little flour, light and yet so delicious and flavorful
And here are some of the outfit shots we made today 🙂
Isidora’s outfit: Blazer and Jeans (H&M), Belt (Emporio Armani), Bag (Moschino), Flats (Escada)
Thanx for stopping by!
Isidora and Una
[…] see a lot of beautiful buildings and luxurious stores with beautiful display windows. Stop by at Demel, 228 year old royal confectionery bakery, to have some delicious cake, or buy an exquisite edible […]
[…] It used to be a royal patisserie, that kept its standards and charm until today. The interiors of Demel is very authentic and beautiful. You won’t be able to pass by their vitrine without ordering at least one cake! They even have a display window, where you can see their masters create gorgeous cakes and pastries. And if you are in a rush, or simply want to get a souvenir, you can do that right inside, within their little shop. You will find there a range of edible souvenirs, cookies and cakes, as well as specials such as candied violets, favorite sweet of the Empress Sissi. Read our detailed post about Demel and see what we recommend you to try there here. […]