Here are the images of Vienna we took in January and published on Instagram 🙂
All of the pictures were made with our mobile phones – Samsung S4 and Samsung S5 and for editing, we mostly use VSCO Cam. It is a great app which helps us a lot, since the weather conditions and the lack of light often represent an obstacle to make a good picture. Also another great app is Snapseed. It is even more advanced in the regard of editing options. However, we often use both. First Snapseed and then VSCO. It is really fun to edit pictures on the mobile phone. Ideal way to entertain yourself while  waiting for the subway, or driving around in the tram.
Vienna is a very instagrammable city, there are so many motives to photograph. Any city is so, if you know where to look and want to see the beauty in simple things.
Una and Isi