Hochhaus Herrengasse was the first skyscraper in Vienna, built in the 1930s. This building is residential (lucky you if you are living there! 🙂 ), containing mostly single flats. Back in the 1930s this caused a kind of a scandal in the city, since single flats were not a common thing. Probably because of this fact, Hochhaus Herrengasse was beloved by many artists. When walking along Herrengasse, you wouldn’t even notice that this building (I forgot to take a picture of it, but will update it asap) is so high, because the last four floors are staggered backwards, which makes them invisible from the street viewpoint*.
We got to visit Hochhaus Herrengasse and enjoy the gorgeous views of Vienna, during the Open House event last weekend. Whoever follows us on Facebook must have seen our announcement for this cool event, during which you can get insider views into many splendid Viennese buildings free of charge. It is a real pity that it happens only once a year! In case you didn’t make it, here is a glimpse of the views from Vienna’s oldest skyscraper!
Una and Isi
*Source: Vienna Architecture Guide, Metro Verlag