Here is a sunny postcard from Karlsplatz, dear Vienna Insider readers! <3 I am sure that pretty much everyone is familiar with this gorgeous baroque church and square in the center of Vienna. And probably everyone already has at least one picture from this place! But if you are usually taking pictures of other people (and prefer to :D), like I do, you may realize that after thousands of pictures and million times passing by Karlsplatz, you don’t have a single one. So this was officially my first picture including myself and Karlskirche. A memory I will cherish, once I get old and wrinkled! 😀 Just me, myself and I, favorite peonies, at a place that brings numerous beautiful memories. All thanks to my lovely friend Anja, who as always, had a lot of patience to snap a few pictures of me.
But lets now pass to some other topics, more useful for you. Because after all, this is our mission on Vienna Insider – to always provide you at least one useful information, share some of our tips and hopefully create a source of inspiration. 🙂
So in this virtual postcard, I thought to tell you about a few things:
1. Maybe you can spot the banner on the church saying “Lange Nacht der Kirchen”, meaning Long Night of the Churches. For sure you have heard about, and hopefully also visited Long Night of Museums, at least once. So the Long Night of the Churches is basically a cultural event of a similar character. I warmly recommend you to save the date – 9th of June, for Lange Nacht der Kirchen. Check the program here, I am sure you will find many interesting things to see and do during this event. Bring a friend along and enjoy exploring beautiful Viennese churches, listening to concerts and visiting the exhibitions organized especially for this manifestation. Maybe we will even meet! 🙂

2. After culture, lets shortly talk about fashion. 🙂 Isi and I are huge fans of watches and we were happy to welcome two new members to our collection. They came from Daniel Wellington family, their latest collection Classic Petite, both in rose gold, one with white and another one with black dial. We love the sophisticated, elegant design of the Classic Petite! They are our current favorite watches, perfect for summer due to the rose gold bracelet. Because you know that feeling, when a watch literally sticks to your wrist due to the heat? I can’t stand it, so in summer, I always go for a metal bracelet.
The guys from Daniel Wellington gave us something for you too – with the code “viennainsider” you get 15% off any watch or other product from Daniel Wellington online shop.
3. Last but not the least, I need to mention peonies from Naschmarkt, because they are my favorite. I will reveal you a little secret – if you want to buy “older peonies” (meaning that the flower buds already opened), use your charm and try to bargain a bit with the seller. 🙂 You may get several bouquets for a great price. Despite they already bloomed, they will last in a vase for around 5 days, or even up to a week. What can I say, I am fascinated with peonies! I can sit for hours, just admiring their beauty. 🙂
I guess that is it for today, I hope that you enjoyed the post!
Before taking off, I need to thank once again my loyal partner in crime Anja for all these beautiful pictures!
Faithful readers already know that this is not the first time she created something for our dear Vienna Insider. She is one of those quick learners and natural photography talents. Both Isi and I are very grateful for our friends like Anja, who are supporting us, and having understanding for all the fuss and picture obsession. They all make a part of our small Vienna Insider team. <3
Thanks a lot for reading
This post was done in friendly collaboration with Daniel Wellington.