Volksgarten is the most beautiful garden in Vienna during the month of June, since this is when 3000 rose bushes bloom. Everyone is mingling around, admiring more than 200 sorts of roses in most diverse colors. For the ones loving to read in the outdoors, this might be just perfect place to relax and enjoy a good read.
Lovely Anja, one of our dearest friends here in Vienna, and I took a walk and snapped a few pictures in the rose garden. It is a pity that there is no way to capture the gorgeous scent of the roses and share it here with you! Anyway, I hope that the pictures will motivate you to stop by Volksgarten and enjoy it yourself, before they are gone. 🙂
At last, I also need to thank Anja for being our stunning blog guest today! <3

Simply B e a u t i f u l <3
Thanx a lot Iman! Have a great weekend 🙂