Last Thursday, we finally decided to climb to the south tower of Stephansdom – St.Stephen’s Cathedral, and take a look of Vienna from a new perspective. After 354 steps we arrived to our goal and enjoyed the stunning view of the city. For the ones who prefer a more comfortable option, the cathedral has one more tower (the north tower), which is lower, but there is an elevator which will take you to the top.
Later we had the best ice-cream in Vienna so far, in patisserie Demel.
General Information about St. Stephens Cathedral:
Situated in the very center of the city, St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom) is one of the most significant sights of Vienna. The foundations of the cathedral were laid some 800 years ago, the present building is mainly late-Gothic in style. In the second World War the cathedral was almost completely destroyed, and later restored by the efforts of the entire nation. In a vault beneath the mail altar, are urns with the remains of some of the Habsburgs.
***How to get there: take off at U1/U3 station Stephansdom
We are hoping that you will like the pictures we took 🙂
Una and Isi

Proslog četvrtka, napokon smo rešile da se popnemo na vrh Južne kule Katedrale Sv. Stefana i sagledamo Beč iz nove perspektive. Posle 345 uzanih stepenika stigle smo na naš cilj, odakle se pružao prelep pogled na krovove grada. Do visokog tornja postoji samo ovaj put, dok se na severni (niži) možete popeti liftom.
Nešto kasnije osvežile smo se sladoledom u poslastičarnici Demel, koji nam se do sada najviše dopao od svih sladoleda koje smo probale u Beču.
Uopšteno o Katedrali Sv. Stefana:
Smeštena u srcu grada, Katedrala Svetog Stefana (Stephansdom) jedna je od najposećenijih znamenitosti Beča, pa i jedno od najlepših austrijskih zdanja u gotičkom stilu. Temelji prvobitne romaničke crkve položeni su 1147. godine. U Drugom svetskom ratu katedrala je bila potpuno uništena, a u restauraciji je učestvovala čitava nacija. Ispod glavnog oltara su položeni posmrtni ostaci nekih od članova Habzburške monarhije.
***Kako do katedrale: sidjite na U1/U3 stanici Stephansdom
Nadamo se da će vam se dopasti slike koje slede! 🙂
Una i Isi
[…] street, as well as numerous boutiques. This street will lead you to the heart of Vienna – St. Stephen’s Cathedral and square. The entrance to the cathedral is free, so definitely check it out! You may also visit […]