We don’t really fancy Schwedenplatz, as it is always crowded and there is a lot of traffic. Anyway, there a few interesting things to see in this area. We started our walk from Stephansplatz, all the way down Rotenturmstrasse. We think of Rotenturmstrasse as of an ice-cream street, as there are around five or more places to buy an ice-cream here. Anyway, not of all of them are good, but we will go back to that in some other post.
For today, here is our list of top 5 things that you can see around Schwedenplatz:
1. Hoher Markt and Ankeruhr – the Ankeruhr is one of the favorite meeting points for the Viennese. The clock features 12 historical figures who contributed to Vienna’s development. Every hour one of them emerges, and the best time to take a look at the clock is at noon, since it is when all of them come out. Walking from Stephansplatz, through Rotenturmstrasse, just take left to Lichtensteg street, and after a few steps when you pass the grocery store Merkur, on the right you will spot this remarkable clock. Hoher Markt is the oldest square in Vienna. Here are some of the ruins from the Roman times. In the middle ages fish and clothes market, as well as executions and public trials were held on this square.
Mora se priznati da mi i nismo neki ljubitelji Švedenplaca, pošto je uvek velika gužva i ima puno saobraćaja. Ali bez obzira na to, ima par lepih znamenitosti da se obiđe u okolni ovog trga. Našu štenju smo započeli na Stefansplatzu, hodajući duž ulice Rotenturm. Između sebe zovemo ovu ulicu ulica sladoleda, pošto se u njoj nalazi bar pet, a možda i više, mesta gde se prodaje isključivo sladoled. Međutim, nije svaki dobar, ali o toj temi ćemo govoriti u nekom od narednih postova.
Danas imamo za vas našu top 5 listu mesta koje možete posetiti u neposrednoj blizini Švedenplaca:
1. Hoher Markt i sat “Sidro” (Ankeruhr)
Sat Sidro je jedno od omiljenih mesta gde se sastaju Bečlije. Slično kao u Beogradu kod Konja. 🙂 Sat prikazuje 12 istorijskih ličnosti, koje su doprinele razvoju Beča. Najzanimljivije je ako do sata dođete u podne, jer tada sve figure “izlaze” iz njega. Iz pravca Stefansplatza hodajte duž Rotenturm ulice, i skrenite na prvoj raskrsnici desno, u ulicu Lichtensteg. Posle par koraka, kada prođete supermarket Merkur, sa desne strane, ugledaćete ovaj prelepi sat. Hoher Markt gde se nalazi ovaj sat, je najstariji trg u Beču. Na njemu se nalaze ruševine iz rimskog doba. U srednjem veku na ovom trgu se prodavala riba i odeća, a vršila su se i pogubljenja i javna sudjenja.

2. Merkur Hoher Markt
Ok, this is not a sight, however we are foodies so we consider it important 🙂 (and since it is besides the clock, it makes sense to mention it now). Merkur is one of the chain supermarkets in Vienna, but Merkur Hoher Markt differs since it is a gourmet supermarket. You will find a bunch of delicacies here, all sorts of fruits and veggies, all types of meat, cheese, freshly baked bread and beautiful cakes, as well as many cool things such as pink rice, or imported specialties from Asia, Russia, Turkey, even Serbia! I (Una) was so delighted when I spotted my precious Russian mayonnaise, as well as some other lovely things. There is also an Asian restaurant in the store, which seemed great, which we plan to visit soon. So if you are a foodie like us, after admiring the clock, enter Merkur and treat yourself with something delicious! 🙂
2. Merkur Hoher Markt
Ovo definitivno nije znamenitost, ali s obzirom da smo mi veliki gurmani, smatramo ga vrednim pomena 🙂 (nalazi se odmah pored sata). Merkur je jedan od lanaca supermarketa u Beču, ali se ovaj njihov market posebno izdvaja kao market sa delikatesima. Ovde ćete naći razne vrste voća i povrća, mesa, sireva, sveže pečenih hlebova i divnih kolača, kao i pregršt zanimljivih namirnica poput roze pirinča, ili uvoznih specijaliteta iz Azije, Rusije, Turske, pa čak i naše Srbije! Bila sam oduševljena (Una), kada sam ugledala raf sa proizvodima iz Rusije, među kojima je bio i moj omiljeni ruski majonez, i još neke divne proizvode. U marketu se nalazi i jedan azijski restoran, koji nam je delovao izuzetno primamljivo, tako da planiramo da ga uskoro posetimo. Ukoliko ste gurmani kao mi, posle divljenja astronomskom satu, svratite u Merkur i počastite se nečim ukusnim! 🙂
3. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Walk back from the clock to Rotenturmstrasse and continue walking down towards Schwedenplatz on the right side of the street. Take the first next right and you will be on Fleischmarkt street (Meet market street). This was a former Greek neighborhood in the first district and it is where one beautiful little Greek Church is located. It is a very nice, old church and it is definitely worth a visit.
3. Grčka Pravoslavna Crkva Svetog Trojstva – Vratite se nazad pošto ste videli sat, u ulicu Rotenturm i nastavite da hodate prema Švedenplacu, sa desne strane ulice. Skrenite u prvu ulicu desno, u ulicu Fleischmarkt. Posle nekoliko koraka ugledaćete ovu divnu malu crkvu. U ovom delu prvog bečkog okruga su ranije živeli grci, te otuda i ova crkva. Veoma je lepa i iznutra i vredi da se obiđe.

4. Schwedenplatz – go back from the church to Rotenturmstrasse and a few steps later you will be at Schwedenplatz. Watch your bags at this place since it is always crowded! The pickpockets will aim at smartphones and purses, but if you keep your bag closed, nothing will happen. Other than a few cafes, shops and pharmacy there is not much to see here, so just cross on the other side of the street, and you will find yourself at the Danube canal.
4. Švedenplac – nakon što ste obišli crkvu, vratite se nazad u ulicu Rotenturm. Posle par metara naćićete se na trgu Švedenplac. Pazite na vaše tašne, pošto je ovaj trg poznat po džeparošima. Oni uglavnom ciljaju na mobilne telefone i novčanike, ali ako držite torbu zatvorenu, ništa se neće desiti. Osim par kafića, prodavnica i apoteke, nema puno čega da se vidi na ovom trgu, te samo pređite na drugu stranu ulice i naćićete se na Dunavskom kanalu.
5. The Danube canal and Agora – the view from the Danube canal is really nice, and there are many nice cafes and restaurants to enjoy besides the river. The coolest place there is Motto am Fluss – a cafe-restarant which looks like a ship (exactly facing Schwedenplatz). It is a very popular and stylish place with extraordinary food (it deserves a post on its own, which will follow soon). Cross the small bridge and take the stairs to walk along the river and take a look at some street art in Agora.
We are hoping that you have enjoyed our little tour of Schwedenplatz. 🙂 Wherever you are, we wish you a lovely Sunday.
Thank you so much for reading!
Una and Isi
How to get there: U1 and U4 stop directly at Schwedenplatz. But you can also take a walk to it from Stephansplatz, as we did.
5. Dunavski kanal i Agora – pogled sa Dunavskog kanala je vrlo lep, a tu se nalazi i nekoliko restorana i kafića pored reke. Najatraktivnije mesto svakako je Motto am Fluss – kafe-restoran koji podseća na brod (nalazi se tačno preko puta Švedenplaca). To je veoma popularan i lep restoran, sa izvrsnom hranom (zaslužuje da mu posvetimo zaseban post, koji očekujte uskoro). Pređite preko puta malog mosta i spustite se stepenicama da prošetate pored reke i pogledate skulpture, grafite i slike izložene u Agori.
Nadamo se da ste uživali u ovoj našoj maloj turi oko Švedenplaca. 🙂 Želimo vam lep dan!
Puno hvala na poseti!
Una i Isi
Kako do Švedenplaca: Metro linije U1 i U4 staju tačno na Švedenplacu, a možete se kao i mi, prošetati do tamo sa Stefansplaca.
We made a couple of outfit pictures in Agora, next to the river 🙂
Isidora’s outfit: Leader Jacket (Massimo Dutti), T-Shirt (Tommy Hilfiger), Jeans (Mango), Sneakers (Nike), Sunglasses (Ray Ban)