Public transport in Vienna is very well organized and connected, so that you can easily and quickly reach any part of the city. Everything is well signalized, and it is difficult to get lost.
The subway system consists of five lines (subway is known as U-Bahn in German): U1 (red), U2 (purple), U3 (orange), U4 (green) and U6 (brown). Wondering if we forgot about U5? For unknown reasons, the fifth line built is called U6, and the U5 is about to be constructed in a couple of years. The Viennese have recently voted for pink to represent the color of the U5.
Besides U-Bahn, there is S-Bahn – a fast urban railway line, connecting suburbs with Vienna. To see the network plan of U-Bahn and S-Bahn click here.

The tickets are purchased on the vending machines in the subway, or at the counter of Wiener Linien (here you can also get a free city map and a network plan). The price of a 24 h ticket is 7,60 Euros (it is valid in all public transport), and a weekly ticket costs 17,60 Euros. For more information on tickets and prices, click here.

Qando – public transport application
Qando is the official application of Wiener Linien and it is perfect for getting around the city. This app will show you the best and quickest way of how to get to the desired destination. It will save you a lot of time, since it exactly knows when are public transport vehicles departing and from what station. Qando is very easy to use and it is a reliable application. Look for qando app directly from your smartphones, or click here.

Pickpockets in public transport
Even though Vienna is a very safe city, you should beware of pickpockets, especially in the publich transport. Subway stations Schwedenplatz and Stephansdom, are most common places where a smartphone or a wallet can be stolen in no time, so keep an eye on your bags.
In case for example your smartphone gets stolen (as it happened to us), the most important thing you’ll need is an IMEI number of your device, since this increases the chances for your smartphone to be found. You can inform the police about the theft, in the police station on Deutschmeisterplatz 3, in the Viennese first district (use U2 or U4 to get to the station Schottenplatz, and in a few minutes walk, you will reach the previously mentioned address).

Beč je izuzetno dobro povezan grad sa odličnom infrastrukturom. Gradskim prevozom možete svuda lako stići, i sve je lepo obeleženo tako da se teško možete izgubiti.
Postoji pet linija metroa: U1 (crvena), U2 (ljubičasta), U3 (narandžasta), U4 (zelena) i U6 (braon). Pitate se gde je U5? Ona počinje da se gradi tek za par godina, a Bečlije su pre par meseci izglasali ciklama boju za ovu liniju.
Osim metroa (na nemačkom U-Bahn) postoje i brzi regionalni vozovi (S-Bahn) koji spajaju Beč sa prigradskim naseljima. Za plan metro i S-Bahn linija kliknite ovde.

Na svakoj metro stanici možete kupiti kartu na automatu ili šalteru Wiener Linien (gde inace mozete uzeti besplatanu kartu beca i plan metroa). Cena karte za 24 h je 7,60 evra (vazi za sav gradski saobracaj), dok je nedeljna karta 16,20 evra. Za više informacija o cenama karata kliknite ovde.

Qando – aplikacija za gradski prevoz
Za jednostavno snalaženje po gradskom prevozu i gradu generalno, preporučujemo vam da skinete aplikaciju Qando. U pitanju je zvanična aplikacija Wiener Linien (Bečkih linija), potpuno pouzdana i jednostavna za korišćenje. Ukucate adresu na kojoj se nalazite i vaš cilj, i qando će vam pokazati kako da tamo najbrze stignete. Aplikaciju potražite direktno sa vaših telefona ili klikom na ovaj link.

Strogo vodite računa o džeparošima u metrou, posebno ako se krećete po centru grada. Stanice Schwedenplatz i Stephansdom su omiljena mesta veštih lopova, koji vam za čas ukradu novčanik ili mobilni telefon, a da to i ne primetite. Ukoliko vam se slučajno, kao nama, desi krađa mobilnog telefona, najvažnije je da imate uz sebe i IMEI broj vašeg telefona (obično se nalazi na kutiji uređaja). Ukoliko što pre prijavite krađu i imate IMEI, velike su šanse da će vaš telefon biti pronađen.
Krađu možete prijaviti u policiji na sledećoj adresi: Deutschmeisterplatz 3, u prvom Bečkom becirku (do nje će vas dovesti metro U2 ili U4, stanica Schottenring, ili na primer tramvaj 71). Beć je inače izuzetno siguran grad, ali uvek budite na oprezu dok se krećete kroz gužve ili koristite javni prevoz.

Written by Vienna Insider

Vienna Insider - Lifestyle - Travel blog based in Vienna, Austria. Written by sisters Una and Isidora