Probably the only thing we dislike about here are Vienna opening times. In our home city Belgrade everything is open 24/7, and we are used to having the freedom to do whatever we are up to, any day of the week. It took us ages to get used to the fact that in Vienna, everything (even pharmacies!) is closed on Sunday (except cafes and restaurants of course). The situation does not get much better on other weekdays, since the shops and supermarkets are usually open until 18 or 19 h.
Between Monday and Friday most supermarkets are open from 8 to 19 h, except Thursday, when many of them (usually the ones located within shopping malls) close at 20 or 21 h. Opening times on Saturday are from 8 until 18 h. As already mentioned, all supermarkets are closed on Sunday, except from a small Interspar on U4/U3 subway station Wien Mitte. Luckily for us who love shopping for food on Sunday or whenever we feel like to, most Turkish grocery stores are open every day, some of them even 24/365. 😀
Stores and shopping malls
We have a few suggestions for all of you shopaholics out there visiting Vienna. The best day for shopping is Tuesday, since most malls close at 20 or 21 h on this day. We highly recommend you to avoid shopping during the weekend for two reasons – Saturday is always too crowded and the stores close at 18 h, while EVERYTHING is closed on Sunday.
Here are the opening times of most shopping malls and stores:
Monday – Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 – 19 h
Thursday from 9:30 – 21 h (some can close at 20 h!)
Saturday from 9:30 -18 h

Verovatno jedina stvar koja nam se uopšte ne dopada u Beču je radno vreme. Dugo nam je trebalo da se naviknemo na to da je nedeljom sve zatvoreno (sem kafića i restorana), dok i ostalim danima prodavnice i supermarketi (čak i apoteke!) rade kratko.
Za razliku od našeg rodnog grada Beograda, gde u je svako doba dana i noci otvorena većina supermarketa, restorana brze hrane, pekara i slično, u Beču je situacija potpuno drugačija. Preko nedelje većina supermarketa radi od 8 do 19 časova sa izuzetkom četvrtka kada pojedini (obično oni koji se nalaze u okviru tržnih centara) rade do 20 ili 21 čas. Subotom je radno vreme do 18 časova, dok su nedeljom svi zatvoreni, izuzev na primer malog Interspar-a na U4/U3 stanici Wien Mitte. Srećom tu su vredne komšije Turci čije piljarnice uglavnom rade i nedeljom, neke čak i 365 dana u godini 🙂
Prodavnice i tržni centri
Ukoliko planirate neki shopping u Beču preporučujemo da izbegnete vikend iz dva razloga: subotom su svuda velike gužve i radno vreme je skraceno (do 18 časova), a nedeljom je SVE zatvoreno. Najbolji dan za kupovinu je četvrtak jer tada većina tržnih centara radi do 21 čas.
Radno vreme većine tržnih centara i prodavnica je:
Ponedeljak – Sreda i Petak od 9:30 – 19 h
Četvrtak od 9:30 do 20 ili 21 h
Subota od 9:30 do 18 h