Weihburggasse 21 in the first district of Vienna is an address you should remember in case you appreciate gorgeous inner courtyards Vienna conveys. And if your Meldezettel says that you are already living there, then you are one VERY lucky human. Or maybe I just see it that way through the eyes of a photographer, not taking in mind the perspective of the tenants who probably freak out once they go out on the balcony to see a weirdo taking pictures of the ivy covering the blue doors, the facade or moving the blue bicycle to the door to take an instagramable shot… 🙂
I love this place, so I wanted it to be the location of a photo session with Jelena, a future architect. It is always a pleasure to do shootings with this smart and gorgeous girl, who has a special talent for cooking and styling food. To get what I am saying, you can simply check her Instagram profile… Pure eye candy! I secretly hope she will start a food blog one day. 🙂
So there on one warm summer day, Jelena and I headed for a shooting in this perfect courtyard in Weihburggasse 21. We really tried to make no sound, just not to disturb the tenants. I am always considerate of such things. Do what you want, but without disturbing anyone else. I know, I know, making this post and address public might not be the best idea for those of you living at this gorgeous address. But this is Vienna Insider after all, and it is our mission to share hidden spots with our readers… But please promise, that if you ever head to Weihburggasse 21, have in mind that people are living here and don’t make noise. Treating people and places with respect is always rewarding. Because we all wish this courtyard to remain open for us visual addicts. 🙂
And since it is already fall by the time I managed to post this article, I decided to add some fantasy and change the colors of the leaves. This place is gorgeous all year round, so don’t be lazy and check how the leaves of Weihburggasse 21 look like in October.

Predivno, sve je jednostavno predivno. A druga fotografija bi mogla da bude na nekoj razglednici, savrseno. 🙂
Hvala puno draga Tanja na lepim recima! Veliki pozdrav <3