Art and culture lovers will never be bored in Vienna. The city has more than one hundred museums and numerous cultural events happening in any time of the year. The bad news is that there is rarely a free entrance exhibition, and the discount for students is just symbolic. Anyway, what you will see will certainly be worth it!
One of the most popular museums in Vienna is definitely Albertina museum. It is very centrally located, right behind the Opera House, on Albertinaplatz. Albertina actually belongs to the Imperial Palace, the largest Habsburg’s residential complex. Albertina contains the largest graphical collection in the world, among whom is Duerer’s “Hare” (Rabbit), as well as Klimt‘s drawings of women. The permanent exhibition is truly remarkable, holding the masterpieces of different art movements – from the impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, Cezanne and all the way to Picasso, Kokoschka, Chagall, Matisse and many other. From the 30th of January, the visitors will be able to see many stunning art works borrowed from the Musée d’Orsay within the temporary exhibition (until May the 3rd). It has been a long time ever since we have visited Musée d’Orsay in Paris, so we are looking forward to the end of January!
Thanx a lot for stopping by!
Una and Isi
Tickets and Opening Hours
How to get there: U1/U2/U4/ station Oper-Karlsplatz

Ljubiteljima kulture i umetnosti nikada neće biti dosadno u Beču. U gradu ima preko sto muzeja i skoro svakodnevno se održavaju različiti kulturni događaji. Nažalost uglavnom ulaz u muzeje i izložbe nije besplatan, a popust za studente je simboličan. Međutim ono što ćete imati prilike da vidite vas neće razočarati.
Jedan od najpopularnijih muzeja u Beču je definitivno Albertina. Nalazi se u samom centru grada, odmah iza Bečke opere, i predstavlja deo imperijalnog kompleksa Habsburgovaca. Albertina poseduje najveću kolekciju grafika na svetu, među kojima je u čuveni Direrov “Zec”, kao i Klimtove crteže žena. Stalna postavka je zaista izvanredna, i sadrži remek dela različitih umetničkih pravaca, od impresionista poput Monea, Renoara, Cezana, preko kubista poput Pikasoa, Kokoške, i mnogih drugih svetski poznatih slikara. Od 30.januara, posetioci će moći da vide brojna dela pozajmljena iz muzeja Orsej u Parizu u okviru privremene izložbe, koja će trajati do 3.maja.
Pošto je prošlo više godina od naše posete muzeju Orsej, željno iščekujemo kraj januara!
Hvala puno na poseti!
Vaše Una i Isi
Informacije o ceni karata i radno vreme muzeja
Kako do Albertine: U1/U2/U4/ stanica Oper-Karlsplatz