Before heading to the gastronomic fair “Cook and Look”, we made a few shots of my outfit. The fair (Messe – in German) is located just behind my uni – the WU. This part of the second district shows a different, contemporary side of Vienna, which I like a lot. I think it fits perfectly to the business flair of my uni and the fair. : )
And a useful information for the WU students, prior to showing you the pictures – since we are neighbors, the Messe offers a special discount for us! So today I only had to pay 5 Euros for the ticket (instead of 12 Euros which is the full price/ the students of the other unis pay 8,50). This is a really nice gesture from our neighbors. : )
Hope you had a great weekend!
Pre odlaska na gastronomski sajam Cook and Look, napravili smo par slika moje današnje odevne kombinacije. Sajam se nalazi tačno iza mog fakulteta (WU). U ovom delu drugog bečkog okruga, možete da vidite drugačiju, savremenu stranu Beča. Mislim da se savršeno uklapa u poslovnu atmosferu sajma i mog fakulteta. : )
I pre nego što vas prepustim slikama, jedna korisna informacija za WU studente – pošto smo u blizini, sajam nudi specijalan popust za studente našeg fakulteta. Karte za sajam su nam dostupne za samo 5 Evra (dok je puna cena 12, a za studente drugih fakulteta 8,50 evra). Mislim da je ovo stvarno lep gest naših suseda! : )
Nadam se da ste divno proveli vikend!

Outfit: Blazer and skirt (Zara), T-Shirt (New Yorker), Boots (Office Shoes), Bag (Moschinno)
Cook and Look Fair Impressions
The offer was big, but we expected more. The most interesting stands for us were the ones with healthy, organic and raw foods (even though we are actually omnivores) : )
Ponuda je bila velika, mada smo mi očekivale nešto bolje. Najzanimljiviji štandovi su za nas bili oni sa zdravom, organskom i sirovom hranom (iako smo generalno svaštojedi) : )