We love Italy, Mediterranean cuisine and sea food. A few days ago, we had friends visiting. Longing for some Italian flair and craving for delicious sea food, we decided to go for a dinner at Nautilus – a small restaurant at the Viennese Naschmarkt ( the most famous open air market in the 4th district). We have never visited this place before, so despite reading good reviews online, we were not sure what to expect. As soon as we entered this charming, crowded restaurant, with a very few tables inside (which is why we highly advise you to make a reservation!) and took a look at the plates of the other guests, we knew we made the right choice! : )
First of all, we were delighted by the service. Pleasant, friendly and patient waiters, willing to help you make the decision, take special orders and recommend you some good wine. The menu contains an array of both simple and fancy fish and sea food dishes, all made with fresh ingredients, which are delivered daily. We had calamari fritti (this was a special order, it is not on the menu), fried sea food plate with fennel salad (which by the way is one of the few vegetables we didn’t like, before having this salad) and Peter’s plate (diverse grilled sea food, avocado, mango chutney and garlic – our favorite dish of the night!). The food was simple, but absolutely stunning! The fresh ingredients, the right use of spices and skill in frying and grilling made the sea food taste soft and delicious.
The food, service, great company and lively, pleasant atmosphere made our evening in Nautilus truly wonderful!
We are warmly recommending this place to the fish and sea food lovers, and the ones nostalgic for some maritime, Italian flair in Vienna. : )
Wishing you a great evening,
Una and Isidora
Address: Naschmarkt 673 (Facing Linke Wienzeile 18), 1040 Vienna
How to get there: U4 station Kettenbrückengasse (exit Naschmarkt) [also there are a lot of parking places for the ones coming by car]
Closed on Sundays and public holidays!

Mnogo volimo Italiju, mediteransku kuhinju i morsku hranu. U potrazi za mediteranskim ukusima, rešile smo da posetimo mali restoran Nautilus, koji se nalazi na Bečkom Našmarktu (poznatoj otvorenoj pijaci, na kojoj ima puno restorana). Iako smo na internetu pročitale puno dobrih kritika o Nautilusu, bile smo malo skeptične. Medjutim, čim smo ušle u ovaj šarmantan restorančić i bacile pogled na stolove oko nas, znale smo da smo na pravom mestu! : )
Usluga je bila besprekorna. Konobari su bili strpljivi i nasmejani, spremni da preporuče dobra vina, ili pomognu u odabiru hrane. Na meniju Nautilusa ćete naći i ona jednostavna, ali i kreativna jela sa raznim vrstama ribe i morskim plodovima, koji se svakodnevno isporučuju sveži. Mi smo naručili pohovane lignje (ovo je bila posebna porudžbina, koja inače nije na meniju), tanjir sa pohovanim morskim plodovima i salatom od komorača (jedno od povrća koje nismo volele, pre nego što smo probale ovu fenomenalnu salatu), i Peter’s plate – tanjir sa grilovanim morskim plodovima, avokadom, mangom i grilovanim belim lukom (ovaj tanjir nam se svima najviše dopao). Jela su bila jednostavna, ali izvanrednog ukusa i teksture. Morski plodovi zahtevaju dosta veštine u kuvanju, da ne bi bili žilavi i tvrdi što se dešava usled predugog prženja/pečenja ili pak previsokih temperatura. Srećom kuvari u Nautilusu su majstori svog zanata i neće vas razočarati.
Provele smo stvarno jedno divno veče u Nautilusu, uživajući u hrani, društvu i prijatnoj atmosferi koja nas je podsetila na Italiju. Zato od srca preporučujemo ovaj restoran, svima onima koji žele da osete duh mediterana u Beču. : )
Hvala puno na poseti!
Una i Isidora
Adresa: Naschmarkt 673 (preko puta ulice Linke Wienzeile 18), 1040 Beč
Kako doći: U4 stanica Kettenbrückengasse (izlaz Naschmarkt) [ako dolazite kolima uveče ćete naći puno parking mesta]
Zatvoren nedeljom i praznicima!

[…] and sea food restaurant Nautilus at Naschmarkt is our absolute January favorite! You can read our detailed review in this […]