Christmas spirit is in Vienna! 🙂 The whole city is wonderfully decorated and there are Christmas markets on almost every bigger square.
Tourists are everywhere, as this time of the year is the most popular for a visit to Vienna – there are around 2 million visitors in the Christmas season [as we read in several newspapers]. So if you haven’t visited Vienna so far, now is the right time to do so! The mood in the city is so festive and cheerful, the decorations and tasty food will make you feel happy and enjoy every moment of your visit.
As from tomorrow, our blog Vienna Insider is in the Christmas edition! 🙂 All the posts to come during December will be related to holidays 🙂 We are hoping that we will manage to make you feel the holiday spirit of this city and maybe even encourage you to stop by 🙂
Your Vienna Insiders Una and Isi 🙂
Beč je već u svom novogodišnjem outfitu 😉 Ceo grad je prelepo okićen i na svim većim trgovima od pre desetak dana su otvorene božićne pijace. Sve vrvi od turista, s obzirom da je ovo jedan od najpopularnijih perioda kada oko 2 miliona ljudi poseti Beč. Tako da ako niste imali prilike da obiđete ovaj grad, sada je pravi trenutak da to uradite! Dekoracije, ukusna hrana, rasprodaje i praznični duh će učiniti da se osetite srećnim i uživate u svakom trenutku svoje posete.
Od sutra Vienna Insider će biti u prazničnom izdanju! 😉 Svi postovi koje ćemo objavljivati u decembru će biti u prazničnom duhu 🙂 Nadamo se da ćemo uspeti da vam prenesemo raspoloženje koje vlada ovde, možda čak i da vas podstaknemo da svratite 🙂
Budite u toku pratći nas na Instagramu, Facebook-u, blogu i očekujte mnoga iznenađenja od nas u ovom radosnom dobu godine!
Vaši Vienna Insideri 🙂

Isidora’s outfit of the day 🙂

Outfit: Sweater (Mango), Skirt (Bershka), Boots (UGG), Bag (Moschino)
Hi beauty! I got similar sweater from my boy (haha from Vienna) just in navy blue and was thinking to pair it with burgundy skirt. Great minds think similar as it seems 😉 You look beautiful and Vienna is breathtaking 🙂 Sending you big kiss 🙂 xx
Hahaha great! 🙂 Thanx a lot! Big kiss for u too! xoxo