Another winter outfit I wore last Monday – a warm leather jacket, knitted sweater, jeans and ankle boots.
This bag with London-inspired print is one of my favorite bags ever. Una bought it for me ages ago (probably 2008) in Trieste, our favorite city in Italy. The brand’s name is Ynot? from Milan, and they exist for 50 years. What I appreciate the most about this bag is its amazing quality and durability. I wore it million times by know and it still looks exactly the same – no scratches, or change of shape. I have never seen them on sale anywhere else, apart from Trieste, which is why I was thrilled when I recently found them on Facebook. Hopefully, I will soon welcome a new Ynot? member to our bag collection!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Još jedan outfit koji sam nosila prošlog ponedeljka – topla kožna jakna, džemper, farmerke i polu-duboke čizme.
Ova tašna sa printom Londona je jedna od mojih omiljenih, ako ne i omiljena, tašna koju imam. Una mi ju je donela iz Trsta, još davne 2008. U pitanju je brend Ynot? iz Milana, koji se proizvodnjom tašni bave već 50 godina. Ono što najviše cenim kod ove tašnje je svakako kvalitet. Nosila sam je nebrojeno puta, a ona i dalje izgleda isto kao kada sam je dobila – nema ogrebotina, napuklina, ni deformacije oblika. Nisam ih do sada videla nigde u prodaji, osim u Trstu, tako da sam bila oduševljena kada sam ovaj brend skoro pronašla na Fejsbuku. Nadam se da ću uskoro obogatiti svoju kolekciju još nekim modelom ovih tašni.
Svima vam želim da divno provedete vikend!

Outfit: Jacket (Cortefiel), Sweater (Zara), Jeans (H&M), Boots (Prada), Bag (Ynot?)
I saw them on sale in Munich airport last week – so they must be spreading over 🙂
That is good to know! 🙂