Close to the city center, and yet hidden from the tourist eye, Mochi is a place where trendy Viennese people enjoy traditional Japanese cuisine with a modern twist. The menu is very innovative and diverse, including soups and salads, dishes with fish and meat, different kinds of sushi, as well as interesting desserts. If you like sushi, you should give our all time favorite – crispy veggie roll a try. Anyway, whatever you order, you won’t be disappointed, since everything is made with care and high quality ingredients. When it comes to dessert, we suggest you to have the one named “Mochi” (you will get two mooncakes, one with read bean filling and the other one with peanuts). Maybe the combination sounds weird, but it tastes amazing. The texture of the cakes is so delicate and the filling delicious, that you will crave for more! 🙂
The interior of the restaurant is very stylish and contemporary, however quite small. It gets easily crowded, since Mochi is a very popular place, so be ready to wait for a table, especially if you arrive around 1 p.m. We prefer having lunch in the garden, so we mostly eat in Mochi during summer, or on warmer days. Recently Mochi started offering take away food, which is perfect if you are in a rush.
If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, don’t miss Mochi!
Address: Praterstrasse 15, 1020 Vienna (take off at U1 Nestroyplatz)
Contact: Mochi Facebook page, click here; website click here
***Closed on Sunday!!!

Nedaleko od centra grada, skriven od pogleda turista, nalazi se Mochi – naš omiljeni japanski restoran u Beču. U Mochi-ju se služe jela koja predstavlaju spoj tradicionalne japanske kuhinje sa savremenim kulinarskim trendovima. Na meniju se nalaze supe, salate, jela sa ribom i mesom, razne vrste sušija i zanimljivih deserta. Ukoliko volite suši, obavezno probajte naš favorit “crispy veggie roll” (hrskavi vegetarijanski suši, videćete ga i na slici). Mada šta god da naručite, nećete se pokajati, jer je u Mochi-ju sve stvarno izuzetno i neobično. Što se deserta tiče preporučujemo vam onaj pod nazivom “Mochi”. U pitanju su dva kolačića, izuzetne teksture, sa dve vrste punjena – jedan sa pastom od crvenog pasulja, a drugi filom od kikirikija. Znamo da kombinacija zvuči čudno, ali ukus je fantastičan! Ako volite da eksperimentišete, probajte ovaj desert 🙂
Ambijent restorana je veoma saveremen i minimalistički, sa konceptom otvorene kuhinje, gde se jela praktično spremaju pred vama. Jedina zamerka je što je prostor prilično mali, a s obzirom da je Mochi jako popularan, često se dugo čeka na sto. Iz ovog razloga mi u Mochi odlazimo pretežno leti, kada možemo da sedimo u bašti. Od skoro, Mochi nudi i hranu za poneti, što je idealno ako ste u žurbi.
Ukoliko ste ljubitelj japanske kuhinje, ne propustite da svratite do Mochi-ja. Sigurno ćete uživati u njihovim autentičnim, kreativnim jelima i poželeti da se ponovo vratite.
Adresa: Praterstrasse 15, drugi becirk (jedna od opcija je da sidjete na U1 stanici Nestroyplatz)
Kontakt: Mochi Facebook stranica, kliknite ovde; websajt kliknite ovde
*** Nedeljom je zatvoren!!!
Best friend roll
Our favorite: Crispy veggie roll
Homemade ice tea and salad with carrot dressing
After the lunch we snapped a few pictures of Isidora’s outfit in Volksgarten 🙂
Okay, you girls got to me — I am going to Mochi this summer!!! 🙂
Mochi is really great, you will love it! 😉