Dear shopaholics,
This is a special post for you, where you will find our list of top shopping places in Vienna.
If you are travelling to Vienna any soon, bookmark this page 🙂
1. Luxury shopping in Graben and Kaertnerstrasse (1st district)
Located in the very core of Vienna, these two streets spread from Stephansplatz. Graben is to the right, and Kaertnerstrasse to the left. Since they are so centrally located, the stores located in these two streets always have some exquisite or limited edition items (for example the offer at Zara and H&M here slightly differ from the their other stores around Vienna). If you are looking for something special or luxurious designer clothes, you should come here.

Stores in Graben Street: H&M (as already mentioned, holding some special edition items), Zara, Salamander as well as several other shoes stores; a few designer stores such as Hermes. Luis Vuitton, Prada, Mulberry, etc are located in the Bognergasse (turn right at the end of Graben and after a few steps after on the left side you’ll see them). To shop at Dior, Tiffany, Armani, Gucci, Chanel, D&G, Burberry, Massimo Dutti, etc, turn left at the end of Graben street to Kohlmarkt street.
Stores in Kaertnerstrasse: This street holds mostly mainstream fashion such as Forever21, H&M and Zara as well, Claires, diverse shoe stores (Humanic, Salamander…), Swarovski, Palmers, Mango, Street One; drug stores such as Bipa or cosmetic stores such as Douglas… Department stores Peek and Cloppenburg (they sell everything from Armani or Hugo Boss to Miss Sixty and Disel) and Steffl (international designers and luxury clothing) are also located in Kaertnerstrasse.
How to get there: U3 Stephansplatz or U4/U1/U2 Opera (in this case you will be entering Kaertnerstrasse at first)

2. Mariahilferstrasse (6th district)
Mariahilferstrasse is the most popular shopping street in Vienna. Almost everything that Graben and Kaertnerstrasse have to offer, you will find here and even more (except from designer brands such as Dior, Gucci, etc) – there is a Zara, Mango, H&M, Forever 21, Pandora, Douglas (with Mac products included), Nike and other sports stores, shoe stores Humanic, Salamander, etc. Department stores Peek and Cloppenburg and Gerngross (click here to see the brands they sell). Click here to check out a complete list of stores in Mariahilfestrasse.
How to get there: U3 Neubaugasse and U3 Ziglergasse stop directly on Mariahilfestrasse.
3. Shopping center Donauzentrum (22nd district)
Donauzentrum is the biggest shopping center in Vienna, and it is only a few minutes ride with the U1 from the city center. If the weather is bad or cold, you can stroll around this shopping center, where you will find absolutely everything – almost all fashion brands (Hollister, Guess, Pull&Bear, Bershka, Zara, C&A), beauty and shoe stores, supermarkets, restaurants, even organic food stores. There is even an app for the center, where you can check upon special offers, all of the stores, opening times, etc. Click here for the complete shop list.
Opening times: Monday to Friday from 09-20 h, Saturday from 09-18h, Sunday – closed
How to get there: U1 stop Kagran
4. SCN – Shopping Center Nord (21st district)
In the North of the city, there is a very big shopping center SCN. We must admit you one thing – we have never been in SCN, since it is quite far and never on our way. Nevertheless we wanted to mention it here, since maybe your hotel is close to it, or you are moving around Floridsdorf (the 21st district). Click here to check out their store list.
Opening times: Monday to Wednesday from 09-19h; Thursday and Friday from 09-20h, Saturday from 09-18h. Closed on Sunday!
How to get there: S3 Schnellbahn (regional train), trams 31 and 33, as well as bus 431. Take off at station Brünnerstraße.
5. SCS – Shopping Center Sud (Voessendorf/23rd district)
SCS is the biggest shopping center in Austria. Well geographically SCS does not belong to Vienna – it is located in an industrial shopping area called Voessendorf in Lower Austria. Anyway is is easy to reach from Vienna, since it borders with the 23rd district and there are shuttle buses in the city which take you there. Since last’s year renovation SCS became a shopping paradise. They have almost all mainstream stores (except from for example Forever 21), including the mega popular and Primark. Primark is a store with incredibly low prices, something you won’t believe your eyes! So if you plan to shop on a budget make sure to first of all check Primark, since you will find some things almost the same as H&M for example, but half the price. They also have sheets, blankets, towels, underwear, shoes, clothes, even makeup. Click here to check out store list of SCS. There is also an app for smartphones, where you can check out special offers, the store list and everything related to SCS.
At the end of SCS there is an IKEA. Several other furniture stores are nearby, as well as the ones selling electronics such as Saturn, Conrad, Media Markt, all possible supermarkets, pet stores, and huge stores selling tools, plants, everything you may need. They are however easier to reach by car.
Opening times: Monday to Wednesday from 09-19h; Thursday 09-21h; Friday from 09-20h, Saturday from 09-18h. Closed on Sunday!
How to get to SCS:
SCS shuttle bus Siebenhirten (free of charge): use the U6 and take off at the last stop Siebenhirten. From there take the SCS shuttle bus (in just 5 minutes you will reach SCS). Click here to see the schedule.
SCS shuttle bus Reumanplatz (free of charge): use the U1 and take off at the last stop Reumanplatz. From there take the the SCS shuttle bus, which drives every half an hour. Click here to see the schedule.
Buses: 207 and 265
Tram Badner Bahn: This is the only blue tram in Vienna and it rides from the Opera house to SCS and further south to the city in Lower Austria called Baden. You could drive from the Opera with Badner Bahn and take off at the station Voesendorf SCS. This ride lasts around 50 minutes, which is quite boring, so we prefer going there with the U6 or by car.
6. Designer Outlet Parndorf
This designer outlet is located around 40km from Vienna, and it is easy to reach. It holds many outlet stores ranging from Michael Kors, Prada, Burberry etc, to Guess or Mango, so there is something to find for every budget. There are actually two outlet malls on the same parking lot – Parndorf and outlet Villagio, behind it. If you plan to check out most of the stores, it is reasonable to count on several hours spent here, since the mall is huge and there is around 130 stores. The prices are 30-70 percent reduced, depending on the collection.
Click here to see the list of the stores in Parndorf.
Opening times: Monday to Thursday from 9:30-19h; Friday from 9:30-21h; Saturday 09:30-18h. Closed on Sunday!
How to get there: There is a shuttle bus that runs daily from Opera in Vienna to the outlet (click here to see the station). The price of the ticket is 11 Euros in both directions, and they are bought in the mall, at the info center. You simply board the bus, and buy the tickets when you arrive to Parndorf.
Here are more details concerning the shuttle bus (click here to see exact timetable):
Vienna – Parndorf
Monday – Thursday: 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Friday: hourly 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: hourly 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Parndorf – Vienna
Monday – Thursday: 2:00 pm , 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Friday: hourly 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm and every half hour 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm
Saturday: hourly 10:00 am – 6:00 pm and every half hour 4:30 pm und 5:30 pm
To see more options on how to get to Parndorf, click here.
We are hoping that you found this post useful. If there are any questions, or you are looking for something specific simply leave your question in the comments.
Happy shopping! 🙂
Una and Isi
PS: This is a subway plan, where we marked in pink, the shopping stops we mentioned in the text 🙂
PS: Ovo je plan metro linija, na kojem imate označeno u roze boji metro stanice koje smo spominjale u tekstu 🙂

Image source: Wiener Linien, download the subway map here
Drage naše kupoholičarke, ovo je post posvećen vama! 🙂
U tekstu koji sledi, naćićete listu najpopularnijih ulica i šoping centara u Beču. Ukoliko planirate uskoro da posetite grad, bookmarkirajte ovu stranicu, sigurno će vam biti od velike koristi! 🙂
1. Luksuzan šoping u ulicama Graben i Kaertnerstrasse (1. bezirk)
Počinjemo sa našom listom od samog centra grada. Ove dve ulice se prostiru od trga Stephansplatz, Graben je sa desne strane, a Kaertnerstrasse sa leve. S obzirom da su ove dve ulice u srcu grada, ovde se nalaze i najluksuznije i standardne prodavnice (poput Zare, Manga, H&M…) u kojima se ponuda razlikuje u odnosu na njihove filijale po drugim delovima grada. Na primer Zara u Graben ulici, prva dobija najnoviju robu, a često ćete naći primerke iz limitiranih kolekcija, kojih nema u njihovim drugim radnjama po gradu. Tako da ukoliko tražite nešto posebnije, obiđite prodavnice u ove dve ulice.
Radnje u ulici Graben: H&M (često imaju komade iz limitiranih kolekcija), Zara, Salamander, kao i još par drugih prodavnica obuće (navodimo samo neke radnje, ima ih naravno više). Od dizajnerskih radnji na ulici Graben se nalazi Hermesov butik, a na par koraka odatle (na kraju ulice skrenete desno u Bognergasse) naićićete na Luis Vuitton, Prada, Mulberry… Ako tražite Dior, D&G, Tiffany, Chanel, Burberry, Massimo Dutti i slično, na kraju ulice Graben skrenite levo u ulicu Kohlmarkt.
Radnje u Kaertnerstrasse: U ovoj ulici se nalaze prodavnice kao što su Mango, ponovo Zara, Forever 21, Swarovski, Palmers, Street One, Claires, Humanic i Salamander (prodavnice obuće); osim toga, postoje i dve robne kuće Peek & Cloppenburg (oni nude sve od Armanija pa do Miss Sixtija i sličnih marki), i robna kuća Steffl (internacionalni dizajneri i luksuznija odeća, cipele, tašne…).
Kako do ovih ulica: U3 stanica Stephansplatz ili U4/U1/U2 Opera (u tom slučaju prvo ulazite u Kaertnerstrasse i idete prema katedrali)

2. Mariahilferstrasse (6-ti becirk)
Mariahilferstrasse je najpopularnija ulica za šoping u Beču. U njoj ćete naći gotovo sve one radnje iz prethodne dve ulice, i još mnogo toga više (izuzev dizajnera kao đto su Dior, Hermes…). Da spomenemo par: Zara, Mango, H&M, Forever 21, Pandora, Douglas (parfimerija imaju i Mac u ponudi, Clarisonic i sve ostalo), Nike i druge sportske radnje, puno prodavnica obuće poput Humanic, Salamander… Od robnih kuća tu su Peek & Cloppenburg i Gerngross (kliknite ovde da biste videli listu svih marki koje se prodaju u ovoj velikoj robnoj kući). A ako vas interesuje da proverite koje sve prodavnice postoje u Mariahilferstrasse i gde se tačno nalaze kliknite ovde.
Kako do Mariahilferstrasse: U3 Neubaugasse and U3 Ziglergasse staju u Mariahilfestrasse.
3. Šoping centar Donauzentrum (22.becirk)
Donauzentrum je najveći šoping centar u Beču, koji se nalazi samo par stanica vožnje metroom U1 od centra grada. Ako je vreme loše ili hladno, a raspoloženi ste za šoping, svratite do ovog centra, gde ćete naći skoro sve marke koje se nalaze u Mariahilferstrasse. Tu su izmedju ostalih: Hollister, Guess, Pull&Bear, Bershka, Zara, C&A, razne parfimerije, supermarketi, restorani, bioskopi, čak i prodavnice sa organskom hranom. Postoji aplikacija za telefone, koju možete da skinete kako biste videli da li ima nekih posebnih ponuda, listu prodavnica, raspored, radno vreme i slično. Kliknite ovde da vidite listu svih marki koje se prodaju u ovom tržnom centru.
Radno vreme: Ponedeljak-Petak od 09-20h, Subota od 09-18h, nedeljom zatvoren.
Kako do Donauzentruma: U1 stanica Kagran
4. SCN – Shopping Center Nord (21. becirk)
Na severu grada nalazi se veliki tržni centar SCN. Moramo da priznamo, da nikada nismo bile tamo, pošto je daleko i nikad nam nije usput. Ali htele smo da ga navedemo, da imate ovu informaciju ako vam se hotel slučajno nalazi blizu njega ili ako se krećete po Floridsdorfu (21-om becirku). Kliknite ovde da vidite listu svih prodavnica u ovom šoping centru.
Radno vreme: Ponedeljak-Sreda od 09-19h, četvrtak i petak od 09-20h, subota 09-18h, nedeljom zatvoren.
Kako do SCN-a: S3 Schnellbahn (regionalni voz), tramvaji 31 i 33, kao i autobus 431. Sidjite na stanici Brünnerstraße.
5. SCS – Shopping Center Sud (Voessendorf/23.becirk)
SCS je najveći tržni centar u Austiji. Geografski ne pripada Beču, već donjoj Austriji, nalazi se u industrijskom delu grada koji se zove Voessendorf. Lako se iz Beča dolazi do SCS-a, pošto se Voessendorf graniči sa 23-im becirkom i postoje posebni SCS autobusi, koji vas iz grada besplatno voze do SCS-a. Od renoviranja prošle godine, SCS je postao pravi raj za šoping. U njemu se nalaze sve moguće prodavnice (osim Forever 21 na primer), uključujući i najpopularniju irsku radnju Primark. Nećete moći da verujete kada budete videli koliko je ova prodavnica povoljna, teško ćete neći bilo šta što košta iznad 35-40 evra! Ako želite da uštedite, prvo posetite Primark, pre nego što zađete u druge radnje. Mnoga roba je slična H&M-u, ali je upola jeftinija. Imaju i stvari za kuću poput posteljina, peškira, ćebadi, onda pidžame, veš, nakit, tašne, kofere, cipele, čak i šminku.
Kliknite ovde da biste videli sve prodavnice ovog tržnog centra. Postoji i aplikacija za telefone, gde možete videti posebne ponude, adresu centra i sve ostale informacije. Na kraju SCS-a nalazi se IKEA. SCS je inače okružen sa nekoliko prodavnica nameštaja, onda prodavnice elektronike poput Media Markt-a, Saturna, Conrada, svi lanci supermarketa, prodavnica za kućne ljubimce, ogromnih radnji sa alatima, graden centar, nema šta nema. Ove prodavnice su lakše dostupne ako dolazite kolima.
Radno vreme: Ponedeljak-Sreda od 09-19h, Četvrtak 09-21h, Petak 09-20h, Subota 09-18h, nedeljom zatvoren.
Kako do SCS-a:
Shuttle bus od U6 metro stanice Siebenhirten: autobus je besplatan, staje na poslednjoj stanici metroa U6 Siebenhirten. Za samo 5 minute ćete ovim busem stići do SCS-a. Kliknite ovde da vidite raspored vožnje autobusa.
Shuttle bus od U1 stanice Reumanplatz: drugi SCS bus staje na poslednjoj stanici metroa U1, Reumanplatz. Vozi svakih pola sata, da vidite tačno vreme kliknite ovde.
Autobusi: 207 i 365
Tramvaj Badner Bahn koji kreće od Opere: Ovo je jedini tramvaj plavo-bele boje u Beču. Vozi od Opere pa do gradića Baden u donjoj Austriji. Sedite u tramvaj na početnoj stanici kod Opere i vozite se direktno do SCS-a. Vožnja traje oko 50minuta, što je prilično dosadno, tako da mi uglavnom idemo tamo kolima ili metroom U6.
6. Dizajner Outlet Parndorf
Outlet Parndorf se nalazi nekih 40ak kilometara od Beča, te ako dolazite kolima iz Srbije, proćićete pored njega. U Parndorfu ima oko 130 prodavnica, i stvari za svačiji džep, od dizajnerskih poput Prade, Burberry-ja, Armanija, Michael Korsa pa do Guessa i Manga. Na istom parkingu se nalazi još jedan outlet Villagio, iza šarenih kućica. Cene su snižene od 30-70 posto, zavisno od kolekcije.
Kliknite ovde da vidite kompletnu listu prodavnica.
Radno vreme: Pondeljak – četvrtak od 9:30-19h, petak od 09:30-21h, subota od 09:30-18h. Ne radi nedeljom.
Kako do outleta:
Shuttle bus vozi od bečke Opere do Parndorfa, i povratna karta košta 11 evra (kliknite ovde da vidite gde tačno staje autobus). Karte se kupuju pošto dodjete u outlet, na informacijama.
Evo par informacija o redu vožnje shuttle bus-a po danima (kliknite ovde da vidite još detalja)
Beč – Parndorf (polasci busa ka outletu)
Ponedeljak-Četvrtak: 11:00 h, 13:00 h, 16h
Petak: svakih sat vremena od 11:00 h – 20:00 h
Subota: svakih sat vremena od 9:00 h – 17:00 h
Parndorf – Beč (polasci busa iz outleta)
Ponedeljak – četvrtak: 14:00 5 , 17:00 h i 19 h
Petak: na sat vremena od 12 h – 21 h, a svakih pola sata u 18:30 h, 19:30 h i 20:30 pm
Subota: svakih sat vremena od 10 h – 18h, i na pola sata u 16:30 h i 17:30 h
Kliknite ovde da vidite ostale opcije za dolazak do outleta.
Last year in Parndorf with our dearest friend Maja 🙂
Nadamo se da će vam naš mali šoping vodič biti korisan. Ako imate neka pitanja, slobodno ih ostavite u komentarima. Srećno! 🙂
Una i Isi
Odlicno ste sve prikazale i bas vam hvala jer sad tacno znam gde cu da idem kad za vikend dodjem u kupovinu.
Hvala na komentaru Ivana! Mnogo nam je drago sto ce ti nase informacije koristiti, ako nesto jos bude trebalo, slobodno se javi 🙂 Zelimo ti uspesan soping! Veliki pozdrav 🙂
[…] Calzedonia, Intimissimi and many other. If you are in Vienna, use this cool offer and do some shopping. We have already planned our route for tomorrow. Happy […]
can’t wait for my Vienna trip!!!
You will certainly love it! 🙂
Zanima me radno vreme Pandofa 24,25 decembar?
To biste morali da proverite na njihovom sajtu. Ja sam sada gledala, za 24.12 trenutno ne pise nista, ali radi sigurno jer je to katolicki Bozic i drzavni praznik, sve ce biti zatvoreno. Obicno 24 radnje rade do 3 popodne ili tako nesto.
Odlicno ste sve prikazale i bas vam hvala deca su trenutno na ekskurziji u Becu i sopingovace u ulici Mariahilferstrasse…Molim vas za pojasnjenje kako da najlakse i najbrze pronadju radnju Versaci posto su vezane vremenski.
Pozdrav iz Nisa
Draga Slavice, izvinite tek smo sada videle Vas komentar. Nadamo se da su se vasa deca snasla i uspela da pronadju prodavnicu Versace. Hvala Vam veliko na lepim recima i poseti nasem blogu. Ako ubuduce treba hitniji odgovor, najbolje da nam pisete putem Instagrama ili mail-a, tamo smo brze sa odgovaranjem. Srdacan pozdrav za lepi Nis i Vas, Una i Isidora
[…] Radno vreme: ponedeljak-sreda od 9-19h, četvrtak 9-21h, petak 9-20h, subota 9-18h. Kako do SCS-a doći prevozom, pogledajte OVDE. […]
[…] If you are more of a person of action, instead of taking an afternoon nap, spend the hottest part of the day in some of the air conditioned shopping malls. Our favorite mall is SCS, but if you prefer something closer, then head over to the Donauzentrum. We would advise you to stay away from shopping streets like Mariahilferstrasse or Kaertnerstrasse when it is too hot. You will find exactly the same shops, and even new ones, in shopping malls then the streets. Check more on this topic in our blog post about shopping in Vienna. […]
[…] Radno vreme: ponedeljak-sreda od 9-19h, četvrtak 9-21h, petak 9-20h, subota 9-18h. Kako do SCS-a doći prevozom, pogledajte OVDE. […]
Well written with useful information.
It helps travelers to have enough information before they get there
Keep on good work, and stay informing and updating us
Greetings from another side of the world Tanzania
Thanks a lot for your kind words and many greetings to gorgeous Tanzania! Kind regards, Una