Exploring the Viennese streets is always an exciting activity. You could play a game – avoiding the busy streets and the typical tourist path. It is the unfamiliar route that will take you to the unexpected insider places, stores, cafes and photogenic corners. An exploratory walk like this took us to the Simply Raw Bakery – a little charming place hidden in the first Viennese district.
The Simply Raw Bakery is a store and a bistro – you can have a seat and cozy up to the crackling fireplace, while enjoying some gourmet raw dishes, or quickly buy something as takeaway. The interior of the bakery is very small, but bright, lovely and pleasant. We fell in love with the abundance of adorable details, glass jars filled with cookies, vintage tiles, stripped wallpapers and the furniture. Luckily there was a free table when we arrived, since there are only few of them inside. This was our first encounter with the raw dishes and we were very looking forward to the new tastes. Our choices were: avocado-humus, banana bread, brownie with cranberry paste, chai-latte and a cappuccino.
Overall impression: simply raw – simply delightful! High quality healthy ingredients, creative combinations, diverse textures resulted in a truly gourmet experience of raw foods. If we had to pick two favorites, we would choose the avocado-humus (perfect, creamy texture and great use of spices) and chai-latte made with rich, homemade almond milk.
The Simply Raw Bakery is perfect for the ones enjoying healthy foods, as well as the ones striving to do so. We are already looking forward to discovering new, healthy tastes in this adorable, creative bakery! Next time, we definitely need to have some of the raw layered cakes 🙂
How about you – did you ever try raw desserts or other more complex dishes?
Una and Isi
Simply Raw Bakery
Address: Drahtgasse 2 | Am Hof, Wien 1
Opening times: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00h – 18:00h. Closed on Monday, Sunday and public holidays!
Simply Raw Bakery je pekara i bistro u kojoj se služi isključivo sirova hrana. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj zdrave ishrane, postite, hranite se vegetarijanski ili veganski, ili jednostavno kao mi, volite da isprobavate razne gurmanluke, ovo mesto bi definitivno trebalo da bude na vašoj listi. U Simply Raw Bakery možete probati razne poslastice napravljene od sirovih sastojaka, poput kolača i torti, ali i slana jela – salate, pastu (na primer od sirovih tikvica), supe; zatim peciva – hleb od sirovih sastojaka (probale smo i vrlo je interesantan), pa sve do napitaka – od domaćih biljnih mleka, kafe, čokolade…
Ambijent je mali, ali vrlo udoban i prijatan, tu je čak i mali kamin koji doprinosi idiličnoj zimskoj atmosferi.
Naš izbor su bili – avokado-humus (mediteranski doručak), kolač sa bananom, sirovi brownie sa musom od brusnica, i za piće kapućino i chai-latte. Humus sa avokadom nam se najviše dopao, bio je besprekorno začinjen i kremast. Takođe sirovi kolačići su jako interesantni, nisu slatki i imaju specifičnu teksturu i ukus nastao prožimanjem mlevenih sastojaka. Čak i oni koji nisu ljubitelji zdrave hrane, ne bi mogli da se požale.
Javite nam vaše utiske ako posetite Simply Raw Bakery!
Una i Isi
Simply Raw Bakery
Adresa: Drahtgasse 2 | Am Hof, 1010 Beč
Radno vreme: Utorak – Subota 10:00h – 18:00h. Zatvoreno nedeljom, ponedeljkom i praznicima.

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