Hi everyone!
So today you get to meet one student at WU (Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien)! Myself! 😀 The new campus of the Vienna University for Economics and Business, is located in the second district, close to Prater. Apart from study rooms and libraries, we also have a canteen, fitness center, and few stores and restaurants here. The new campus is really impressive and I am more than happy and grateful to have the opportunity to study at the WU.
In case there is enough interest from your part, we could prepare a special post about studying in Vienna.
I wish you a successful week!
Zdravo svima!
Ovaj post smo slikale na mom fakultetu. U pitanju je novi kampus državnog Ekonomskog Univerziteta, koji se nalazi u drugom becirku, blizu Pratera. U kompleksu se pored učionica nalaze biblioteke, prodavnice, restorani, sportski centar, menza, između ostalog. Ambijent je zaista impresivan i mnogo sam srećna što imam priliku da se ovde školujem.
Ukoliko bude dovoljno interesovanja sa vaše strane, možemo da objavimo poseban post na temu studija u Beču.
Želim vam uspešnu radnu nedelju!

Outfit: Sweater (Ralph Lauren), Skirt (Bershka), Boots (Emporio Armani), Bag (Love Moschino)
Ich glaube, ich habe mich soeben grad Hals über Kopf in deine Tasche verliebt!
Sehr hübscher Look allgemein!
Vielen Dank Michele! 😉 Die Tasche mag ich auch, ich habe sie letztes Jahr in Rom gekauft. Liebe Grüße 🙂
Cestitam a pokazite malo i kako izgleda fakultet i neke bitne stvari kao npr menza (meny) i biblioteka i poneki kutak za opustanje.
Hocemo, bice poseban post o fakultetu. Hvala na komentaru, veliki pozdrav! 🙂
That is an awesome handbag! Love the gold details.
Thank you 🙂
Yellow is the must have of this season!
I write about it a few days ago
Really great look!
Thanx a lot! I will check your post out 🙂
The campus looks amazing! The buildings look like artwork. It’s the perfect back drop for your chic outfit.
The Doctor Diva
Totally agree with you! Thanx for stopping by 🙂
Prelijep outfit, džemper je odličan.
Slike su predobre! 🙂
Draga Selma, hvala puno na komentaru! Veliki pozdrav 🙂