Cafe Central with its 130 years old history, is one of the most famous traditional cafes in Vienna. It is located in the beautiful palace Ferstel, close to Stephansplatz. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of 20th century, Café Central was a popular meeting point for prominent intellectuals among whom was also Freud. Café Central is a place with a unique atmosphere, where you can taste some of the most delicious cakes in Vienna, while enjoying the music played by a pianist. If you come to Vienna you really have to visit some of the authentic cafes. Cafe Central is one of the places where we often take our visitors, since we really love the atmosphere. However try to avoid it on the weekends, or prepare to be very patient while waiting in line.
Scroll down to see what we had today in Café Central! 🙂
Address: Herrengasse 14 (see it on Bing map here)
Contact: Website/Café Central on Facebook

Beč je nadaleko čuven po izvrsnim tortama i kolačima. Mi kao pravi sladokusci ne možemo da odolimo svim tim prelepim poslastičarnicama, tako da se skoro svakodnevno počastimo nekim lepim desertom. 🙂 Prva kafe-poslastičarnica koju smo odabrali da predstavimo na blogu je Kafe Central, sa 130 godina dugom tradicijom. Smeštena je u raskošnom ambijentu palate Ferstel, i predstavlja jednu od najstarijih kafeterija u gradu. Krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka u Kafe Centralu su se okupljali gradski intelektualci, među kojima je bio i Frojd.
Adresa: Herrengassengasse 14 (za prikaz na Bing mapi kliknite ovde)
Kontakt: Kliknite ovde za sajt / Fejsbuk stanica Kafea Central
Naš današnji izbor bili su:
Nusskuss (savršena kombinacija hrskavog i kremastog kolača bez glutena) i Sommerkuss (lagani voćni kolač sa kremom od malina i vanile), naravno uz čuveni bečki Melanž.

Nusskuss (gluten-free crunchy and at the same time creamy cake) with Viennese Melange coffee, and Sommerkuss (light and creamy raspberry-vanilla cake). 🙂

Isidora’s outfit: Blazer (H&M), Jeans (Mango), Boots (ASH), Bag (Michael Kors)
[…] you could enjoy Kaiserschmarrn (like a shredded thick pancake, it was Kaiser’s favorite) at Café Central or Meierei at Stadtpark. For a super casual option, you could try delicious dumplings at a cute […]