It was finally snowing last night in Vienna! : ) Happy to see a little bit of snow again, we took a walk around Stadtpark (City Park) this morning.
Stadtpark is relatively big and a really nice place. There are several monuments to see there, among which is the beautiful statue of Johann Strauss. However the stunning building of the Kursalon, built in 1867, with the goal to increase the recreational offer of the City Park, is what makes this park stand out. The Kursalon is a popular place for dances, concerts and exclusive events.
The bird lovers will certainly enjoy the city park, since there are a lot of ducks, seagulls, pigeons, sparrows and other cute little birds, that you can feed or photograph.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Una and Isi
How to get to the city park: take off at U4 station Stadtpark
Napokon je napadalo malo snega u Beču! : ) Otišle smo da prošetamo jutros po Stadtparku, koji se nalazi u trećem becirku.
Gradski park je prilično veliko i veoma lepo mesto. Ima puno spomenika, od kojih je najčuvanija pozlaćena statua kompozitora Johana Štrausa. Ono po čemu se ovaj park posebno ističe je prelapa zgrada Kursalona. Sagrađen je 1867, sa ciljem da obogati ponudu parka, i popularno je mesto za različite kulturne i ekskluzivne događaje.
Ljubiteljima ptica će se gradski park posebno svideti, pošto ima puno pataka, galebova, golubova, vrabaca, senica i ostalih preslatkih malih ptica, koje možete da hranite ili fotografišete.
Nadamo se da ste lepo proveli vikend!
Una i Isi
Kako doći do gradskog parka: U4 stanica Stadtpark

Outfit: Sweater (Primark), Jeans (Stradivarius), Shoes (Prada), Bag (Manual&Co), Gloves (Coccinelle), Bracelets (Pandora&Swarovski)
Beautiufl pictures!
Thanx a lot Iman! 🙂 Glad you like them 🙂