A few weeks ago, we tried sushi at Natsu in the Viennese 7th district for the first time. Natsu is family restaurant, well known in the city for delicious food and very affordable prices. Also the service is quick and super friendly. The family Jin opened their first restaurant in 2003, and today there are three Natsu sushi bars in Vienna. We have spotted several Asian people here, which for us was a sign that the dishes taste authentic. 🙂
Especially if you are travelling on a budget and like sushi, Natsu is great place for you.
We had a chicken noodle soup, maki with avocado and shrimp, and gyoza (dumplings with vegetables and meat) and some tea of course. Everything was really tasty, and we will definitely come again! 😉
Una and Isi
Natsu Sushi Bar
Click here for the addresses of all Natsu restaurants in Vienna
Pre par nedelja smo prvi put ručale u suši baru Natsu, koji se nalazi u sedmom bečkom becirku. Natsu je japanski restoran porodice Jin. Svoj prvi restoran otvorili su 2003.godine, a danas poseduju 3 Natsu bara u Beču. U gradu su poznati po jako ukusnoj hrani i izuzetno povoljnim cenama. Inače, primetile smo nekoliko ljudi azijskog porekla koji su ručali ovde, što je za nas znak dobre i autentične kuhinje 🙂
Mi smo probale pileću supu sa nudlama, maki sa avokadom i škampima i gyoza knedlice (punjenje mesom i povrćem). Sve je bilo izvrsno, tako da definitivno planiramo da se vratimo 🙂
Natsu Sushi Bar
Kliknite ovde da biste videli adrese sva 3 Natsu Sushi Bara u Beču
Una i Isi