Memories from Madrid and Barcelona used to haunt us that cold day in Vienna. We felt nostalgic about the picturesque corners, the cheerful people, the warmth and of course the flavorful food. Tapas, the taste of España.
Luckily for us, it was so close, in the streets of Neubau, where we have found that piece of Spain, we have been longing for. Even before entering, we knew that we will love Toma Tu Tiempo. The inviting entrance to the bar, vibrant colors, and olive trees instantly got our sympathies. The positive impression extended when we stepped in the charming, vintage interior of Toma Tu Tiempo. Many rustic details, little fireplace in the corner, the beautiful light and the friendly service made us feel welcome and cozy.
Our order arrived quickly. We have truly enjoyed the taste of Spanish tortilla with bell peppers and hearty stew of the day (with vegetables and chorizo), which took us back to Spain.
Before we left, we had a small talk with Lucia, the owner of this lovely tapas bar, who revealed us that she and her husband found the inspiration for their bar in Barcelona. All the people working behind the scenes, where the magic happens are Spanish, as we have already anticipated based on the taste of the food. Toma Tu Tiempo is also a very popular place for breakfast, as well as in the evening when it turns into a lively bar.
So take your time to stop by this lovely bar and indulge in delicious Spanish tapas in the middle of Vienna!
Una and Isi
Toma Tu Tiempo
Address: Zieglergasse 44, 1070 Vienna
Website, Facebook

Tog hladnog bečkog dana preplavila su nas sećanja iz Madrida i Barselone. Nostalgija za slikovitim ulicama, veselim ljudima, toplo vreme i naravno hrana – tapas, ukusi Španije. U slučaju da vam ovaj termin nije poznat, tapas su zakuske, raznorazne male porcije hrane, koje se u Španiji rado konzumiraju uz piće uveče po barovima, ali i u toku dana.
Ulice sedmog becirka su nas odvele do šarmantnog tapas bara Toma Tu Tiempo, delića Španije u Beču. Toma Tu Tiempo je mesto koje osvaja na prvi pogled. Jarke boje na ulazu i drveta masline, asociraju na topli Mediteran. Enterijer u vintidž stilu i preovladava drvo, a tu je i mali kamin koji upotpunjuje prijatnu atmosferu.
Uživale smo u ukusima španske tortilje sa paprikama i jelu dana (varivo sa španskom kobasicom corizo, povrćem i prinčem sa šafranom) koji su nas vratili u Španiju. Mi ovaj put nismo bile puno gladne, ali samo kao savet, ne zaboravite da su tapas male porcije, te ako ste za neki ozbiljniji ručak, naručite bar dve vrste po osobi. Iz razgovora sa vlasnicom Luciom, koja predano radi u svom lokalu, saznale smo da je Toma Tu Tiempo veoma popularno mesto za doručak, kao i uveče, kada je atmosfera kao u pravom baru, i ima više tapasa u ponudi nego tokom dana. Kao što smo predpostavljale na osnovu autentičnog ukusa hrane, vlasnica nam je potvrdila da su kuvari ljudi iz Španije.
Ako se nekada uželite Španske kuhinje ili želite da je upoznate, toplo vam preporučujemo Toma Tu Tiempo!
Želimo vam divan vikend!
Vaše Una i Isi
Toma Tu Tiempo
Adresa: Zieglergasse 44, 1070 Beč
Website, Facebook

Thanx a lot for stopping by!
Really nice blog and great pics! Was their menu in Spanish only? I was there in October and I couldn’t understand their menu! 😛 But the waitress helped us out and my salad was great 🙂
Thank you very much Michelle! Yes the menu is still Spanish only, which wasn’t a problem for us, but I suppose that having German or English translation below couldn’t harm 🙂 Glad to hear that you liked it too!