Café Leopold Hawelka is one of those iconic places in Vienna.
It was opened in 1939 by Mrs. Josefine and Mr.Leopold Hawelka and frequented by famous people (from Andy Warhol to the royalty), artists, intellectuals and of course tourists. What made this place so special were at first its owners themselves – Mr.Hawelka used to personally serve and greet his guests, while Mrs.Hawelka made delightful pastries. This family tradition is continued up to today – it is now Mr.Hawelka’s son and grandson who work at the cafe. The second aspect that makes a visit to cafe Hawelka unlike any other cafe experience in Vienna, is the authentic atmosphere. The cafe was not renovated ever since its opening – dim lights, the furniture and marble and wooden tables with traces of usage, the old fashioned service where there is no menu – the waiter will tell you what is on offer. We opted for a coffee, hot chocolate and absolutely delightful “Buchteln” filled with plum jam – a house specialty made by the original recipe of Mrs. Hawelka. We highly advise you not to leave the place without eating at least one of those amazing pastries!
A visit to Café Hawelka felt like a trip back to time! Unforgettable and delicious.
Café Hawelka
Address: Dorotheergasse 6, 1010 Wien, Austria
How to get there: take off at U1/U3 Stephansplatz, walk to Graben street, and Dorotheergasse is one of the side streets (Google map)
Contact: Website

Poseta legendarnom Kafeu Hawelka se najbolje može opisati kao put u prošlost.
Za to je pre svega zahvaljujuci originalnom ambijentu, koji se nije promenio od 1939-te godine, kada su gospodin Leopold i gospođa Josefine Hawelka otvorili svoj kafić. Ovaj bračni par je uspeo da od svog malog kafea ubrzo stvori veliko ime. Kafe Hawelka je bio popularan među boemima, umetnicima, intelektualcima, ali i poznatim ličnostima i plemstvu. Gospodin Hawelka je dočekivao i služio svoje goste, dok je njegova supruga bila zadužena za spremanje izuzetne kafe i raznih specijaliteta. Ova porodična tradicija se neguje i dan danas, kada goste dočekuju sin i unuk gospodina Hawelke.
Nemojte da vas iznenadi što nema menija, pošto je i taj običaj deo ovog starinskog koncepta. Konobar će vam ljubazno reći šta je u ponudi i pomoći pri odabiru ako treba. Ono po čemu je kafe Hawelka nadaleko poznat je njihova odlična kafa (koju sami prže) i izvanredni deserti, koji se prave po originalnim receptima gospođe Hawelke. Najčuvenije su svakako njene božanstvene buhtle punjene džemom od šljiva. Obavezno ih probajte!
Ako želite da iskusite nešto drugačije, jedno nostalgično mesto gde kao da je vreme stalo, posetite kafe Hawelku.
Mi ćemo se ovde sigurno vratiti.
Café Hawelka
Adresa: Dorotheergasse 6, 1010 Wien, Austria
Kako do tamo: siđite na stanici U1/U3 Stephansplatz, i izađite na ulicu Graben. Dorotheergasse je jedna od sporednih ulica sa Grabena (Google map)
Kontakt: Website
Love Hawelka!
[…] of Austrian desserts, this time we recommend you tasty, warm Büchteln with Powdl (plum jam) at cafe Hawelka. The Buchteln there are made after the old recipe by Mrs.Hawelka, and they are the best! Melting in […]
Whenever I am in Vienna( I live in Edinburgh), I always make for Hawelka. It is my favourite cafe in the world. I also like Cafe Sperl and Kleines Cafe. I do not like the ‘chinzi’, over formal Vienna cafes. I was in Cafe Hawelka not long before the owner died. He had given up running the cafe but was there sitting at a table enjoying a
coffee and the newspaper. I read his obituary some months later.
Thank you for reading and sharing your experience! I know Mr.Hawelka was present in the cafe until the very end. Their entire family story and overall atmosphere really make this cafe outstanding. I also prefer the less formal Viennese cafes. They have a special spirit. Kind regards to Edinburgh (haven’t been yet but it is on my must see list)! Una
[…] coffee, cafe Hawelka is Vienna’s iconic café. Why that is so, you can read in our post here. Must try: their coffee and Buchteln with plum jam, that will melt in your […]