Welcome to the artistic Christmas market at Karlsplatz in Vienna! 🙂 If you are looking for unique arts and crafts, hand-made jewelry, clothing items, ornaments, ceramics and much more, this is a place to go. It is also perfect for people with children, since there are many interesting things for them here – a playground with hay and a few farm animals and a rustic carousel, among other.
The Christmas market at Karlsplatz will be open until 23.12.
After checking out the market, don’t miss to visit the St. Charls Church (Karlskirche). It is a truly stunning church, with remarkable frescoes and cupola. You can also take an elevator to the top of the cupola and see Vienna from a different perspective 🙂
How to get there: U1/U2/U4 station Karlsplatz

Ukoliko ste ljubitelj rukotvorina i unikatnih predmeta poput ukrasa, nakita, keramike, ili pak odeće, posetite božićnu pijacu na Karlovom trgu. Već 20 godina na ovoj pijaci svoja dela izlažu umetnici i mali proizvođači, i ona se u ponudi dosta razlikuje od komercijalnijih pijaca kao što je na primer ona na Trgu Marije Terezije ili pak kod Rathausa. Osim toga, pijaca kod Karlovog trga je idealna za ljude sa decom, koja se ovde mogu zabaviti na starinskim vrteškama, u igranju na senu i posmatranju domaćih životinja.
Pijaca na Karlovom trgu je otvorena do 23.12.
Posle posete pijace, ne propustite da obiđete prelepu Karlovu crkvu koju krase izvanredne freske. Možete se popeti liftom na kupolu, odakle se pruža divan pogled na Beč.
Kako do Karlovog trga: U1/U2/U4 stanica Karlsplatz

[…] Christmas Market at Karlsplatz is the place to go if you like handmade, artistic things and if you are with kids. Art and kids, what a combo, right?! ? At this market, you will find many stands where artists sell their goods, and on the other hand, it is perfect for kids as there is a playground with hay and farm animals. You will find more photos and information in a separate article we wrote here. […]