Burg.ring1 is often on our way, but somehow, we didn’t notice it before. We found out about this cafe on Instagram, thanx to other users from Vienna sharing pictures of delicious bagels from Burgring 1. Despite craving for bagels at first, we ended up ordering an artichoke-ricotta quiche and burg.ring1 salad (avocado, oranges, radish). Both dishes were delicious, but we must admit that we definitely preferred the quiche.
Burg.ring1 also has weekly lunch menu offers, which is very convenient. Our absolute favorite was their Chai Latte, which is the best one we had so far in Vienna. One remark – the mug for Chai Latte should be bigger! : )
Before saying goodbye, it needs to be mentioned, that the quick and friendly service and the coziness of the interior at Burg.ring1. We loved the versatility of the seating places, the comfy chairs and the pleasant atmosphere of this cafe. It is a great place for a long talks with friends, for working on a project, or just relaxing and observing the people passing by.
Una and Isi
Address: Burgring 1, 1010 Wien
How to get there: take a tram (1, 2, 71, D) station Burgring
Website, Facebook

Iako često prolazimo pored kafea Burg.ring1, saznale smo za njega od drugih blogera iz Beča preko Instagrama. Privukli su nas njihovi sendviči, medjutim kada smo posetile kafic, odlučile smo se za kiš sa artičokama i rikotom i burg.ring1 salatu (sa avokadom, pomorandžom i rotkvicama). Iako je i salata bila ukusna i osvežavajuća, nama se više svideo kiš koji toplo preporučujemo. Burg.ring1 u ponudi ima i dnevne menije za ručak, koji se smenjuju svake nedelje i cene su pristupačne.
Ali ono što nas je baš oduševilo u ovom kafeu je svakako chai latte, najbolji koji smo probali u Beču do sada. Obavezno ga probajte!
Za kraj, da se osvrnemo na uslugu i atmosferu u kafeu Burg.ring1. Osoblje je bilo vrlo ljubazno i usluga brza. Veoma nam se dopao opušten i udoban enterijer, sa različitim nameštajem, mekanim foteljama i mermernim stolovima. Burg.ring1 je idealno mesto za sastajanje sa prijateljima, za rad ili jednostavno za opuštanje i posmatranje prolaznika uz topao čaj ili chai latte. : )
Pišite nam da li ste već posetili Burg.ring1 i šta vam se najviše dopalo!
Una i Isi
Adresa: Burgring 1, 1010 Beč
Kako otići: uzmite tramvaj (1, 2, 71, D) – stanica Burgring
Websajt, Facebook

Thanks for the tip, I will give it a visit for sure!
You’re welcome! Enjoy 🙂
[…] Burgring 1 […]