It is 1920s style. It is black and white, and gold, and marble. It is classy and elegant. It feels like living The Great Gatsby. It is 10 minutes walk from Stephansplatz. It is Hilton Vienna Plaza!
We are very excited to share with you our Hilton Vienna Plaza experience in today’s post. Not merely because we enjoyed it so much, together with our partner in crime and bestie Anja and took hundreds of pictures very dear to us. But also because all year round, we are getting emails from many of you asking where to stay in Vienna? After our stay, we can assure you, that you can’t go wrong with Hilton Vienna Plaza. By the way – don’t worry Vienna based people, this post is not only for tourists. You are warmly recommended to stay with us too, because what you can experience in Hilton Plaza doesn’t apply only to the hotel guests. It is a real Vienna Insider gem, so please keep reading. You will thank us later. 😀
Gorgeous silk dress by talented designer Katarina Andrejic from Wish atelier

Centrally located, on the Ring street, Hilton Vienna Plaza is only a few minutes walk from Vienna’s major sights and historic city center. The staff is highly professional and friendly. But what makes this hotel quite unique compared to the hotels that we visited so far, is the 1920s theme that creates a very authentic atmosphere. The vintage flair is reflected through elements in the interior design, such as the marble floor, details like an old camera booth, the typing machine… Moreover the staff is wearing 1920s inspired uniforms and jazz music is playing in the background. You can even rent a vintage bike to explore Vienna!

Unfortunately we didn’t have time to do that, but at least we took some pictures and imagined how wonderful it would be to drive around the Ring street, enjoying Vienna’s most beautiful architecture. Our mission was waiting inside this hotel. And with that being said, let us now show you our room!

So sophisticated, spacious and beautifully decorated, right? And the view, you simply have to see this! Looking straight, you can spot the Stephansdom and on the right – hello Uni Wien! But due to some unfinished business with the Uni Wien, it was better for us only to look straight from this balcony. 😀
We will come back to this view later, but now it is time to get ready for the Green Hour in Émile Restaurant and Bar, located in the ground floor of the hotel. There we got to literally paint and personally create our own Absinthe cocktails. The colorful extracts, homemade at Émile, all have different flavors, that you just paint into your drink. For us personally Absinthe is too strong, but we really had fun during the Green Hour (which by the way is on every day from 17-20h, so if you like Absinthe, this will be perfect for you).

As drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea, we started with dinner at Émile, that specializes in French and Austrian cuisine. We tried several great dishes, but in order not to make this post extremely long, we will recommend you our top three favorites: Duck Rillettes with pumpkin chutney as a superb appetizer, the Viennese Schnitzel (totally unexpected, but this turned out to be the best one we had in Vienna so far) and Crème brûlée which was outstanding.

After this exceptional gourmet feast, it was time to wrap up the day with our Great Gatsby moment.
Don’t even bother to doubt that our outfits were not planned! We always research our shooting locations and enjoy matching the outfits to it. 🙂 As the hotel management obviously cares about every single detail that would make their guests fully enjoy their Plaza experience, you will easily find cool accessories right next to the vintage camera booth. Now grab that feather scarf, a glass of champagne and say cheeeeeese!
At one moment, we even thought we saw Leo raising his glass and giving us his charming Gatsby look… But we soon realized it was just a signal that mixing Absinth and champagne was not a good idea (although it was only a few sips of each)… 😀
Our memorable stay at Plaza ended with what became our all time favorite breakfast in Vienna. It was not only because of the food (which was by the way all selected by a kind young man, the chef of the room service department, who perfectly understood what we meant by – “anything you choose, we would just like it to be photogenic” :D), but because of the whole atmosphere. That beautiful room, the two of us in our kitsch slippers (that we had for years, and on that day they finally fulfilled their purpose :D), our lovely friend Anja and sun-kissed Vienna view.

You know, it is quite hectic to create all these images in a limited time span. But after our shootings were done, we were sitting there laughing and remembering all the funny moments we lived together. It was a moment that we didn’t capture with the camera, but one that we will never forget. And just if you were wondering, of course we ate our breakfast! In a typical blogger manner, once it was already cold, but it was so good, especially the egg dishes. Simple things are the most difficult to nail, so trust us when we say that we were blown away with the scrambled eggs. You have to try to understand what we are talking about. And by the way, as Émile serves breakfast all day long, you can do this anytime you please.
Now after all the pictures and our detailed feedback, we think that our message that Hilton Vienna Plaza is an exceptional place to stay is quite clear. But what we would like you to take with you from this post is not merely that. Vienna Insider blog is here to inspire you to be a restless explorer, because new experiences expand our horizons and make us grow. Be an insider, a curious local and don’t hesitate to look behind all those monumental hotel facades. You never know, what a beautiful place is hiding behind their door. Maybe a portal, that will take you back to the 1920s? The times of Charlston dance, jazz and elegance. After all, adding a dash of glamour to your everyday life, can never harm and doesn’t need to be complicated. Be it simply for coffee or drink, or for an entire weekend spent with someone you love, sipping Martini and admiring the beauty of Vienna from the balcony of your room.
Thank you very much for reading!
Una and Isi
PS: We need to say a huge thanks to the staff of Hilton Vienna Plaza for the unforgettable experience. And last, but definitely not the least, we thank our wonderful friend Anja, for bringing so much positive energy to our team and taking all the beautiful pictures of us. <3
“I just called to say, i love you…” YOU – Émile team who made us this wonderful breakfast! 😀

After so many years, finally got to wear my precious feather slippers! ;D

And a crazy pic for as bonus for all of you who kept scrolling until the end of this post! Hugs from Una, Isi and Anja <3
This post was done in friendly collaboration with Hilton Vienna Plaza.
Thank you for this magnificent story.Now I will book Hilton for my visit next month.
Thank you for reading the post! We are very happy you liked it. We are sure you will enjoy Hilton Plaza and Vienna!
Kind regards,
Una and Isi
Gosshhh! Such an amazing post ladies! All of the photos are incredible! Definitivno morate podelite još koju na svom Instagramu! Bravooo! xxx
Mnogo ti hvala, bas nam je drago da ti se svidaju! Bice na Insti jos, grehota ne podeliti hahaha.
xoxo, Una i Isi
[…] Plaza. So if you are new around here, make sure to check our previous posts where we told you about our stay and Plaza experience, as well as the post about the glamorous Golden Masquerade ball that took place in February 2018. […]